A nice musky caught by my buddy.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

It wasn't fly caught, but it might as well have been given the gear used to land it. It was caught on a 9-foot UL crappie trolling rig, straight 4# Stren, and a 2 3/4-inch Berkeley Flicker Shad. He and his son were kayak trolling to get crappies for a fish fry. He got a little extra today.


Tim Murphy 🙂

If this isn't appropriate, please delete it. I just wanted to give a shout out to a very nice musky caught under difficult circumstances.

We have a lot of spincasters around here Tim.

That’s a heck of a catch on that tackle. I’ve hooked 3 in my life. One on UL spin gear, fishing 6 lb line, and twice on fly gear, fishing about 10 lb tippet probably. Clearly I’m not one who targets these. All three cut the line on their first good head shake. Would have probably put all 3 into the 40” range. Cool fish.
We have a lot of spincasters around here Tim.

That’s a heck of a catch on that tackle. I’ve hooked 3 in my life. One on UL spin gear, fishing 6 lb line, and twice on fly gear, fishing about 10 lb tippet probably. Clearly I’m not one who targets these. All three cut the line on their first good head shake. Would have probably put all 3 into the 40” range. Cool fish.
Dear Swattie,

I caught one in the Susquehanna River in Binghamton NY while jigging for walleyes on an unseasonably warm late February day. It was caught on a 1-inch twister on 2# test. It was 32 inches, and I hooked it right on the tip of its nose. It didn't even make a tooth mark on the twister tail. 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂
Yeah. These all ate relatively small offerings too. Maybe a 2.5” twisty tail grub, and size 10ish Buggers.

The 2# test is impressive. Teeth or not.
Yeah. These all ate relatively small offerings too. Maybe a 2.5” twisty tail grub, and size 10ish Buggers.

The 2# test is impressive. Teeth or not.
Dear Swattie,

It was upstate NY in February. The river was maybe 34 or 35 degrees, and the poor thing seemed absolutely stunned to be hooked. Mostly I waited patiently and gradually coaxed it over to the bank. I don't think I ever even cranked the reel as I hooked it about 8 feet off the bank and walked it in. That was in a really nice walleye hole though. It never let me down.


Tim Murphy 🙂
Nice Musky! I’m sure that was a battle on light line!

Tim I have always liked 2lb test. It’s super underrated. It’s gets a bad rep for overly tiring fish out. Although I’m sure this is true for trout in warm water. Trilene XL 2# is surprisingly hard to break off an open water fish with an ultralight glass rod and a properly set drag. It can cast almost weightless presentations. I fish 1/80 , 1/100th and 1/124th ounce jig heads on it sometimes. It gets deep quick due to decreased line drag. Plus it makes things like a 9” crappie feel big.

I think it helps make you a more accurate caster too. You get hung on a log or in a tree and its ability to pull a snag free is darn near zero. 🙂
I caught a small tiger musky just down from Hoss's and just above the **** Winters bridge on the Swatara. Probably low 20's though hard to tell with a fish shaped like something I am not used to catching. That was about 10 years ago on a shiny rebel minnow plug of some kind. 8 lb. test.
That's impressive. I've accidentally hooked four and had zero chance of landing any of them on 8 lb line
Got lucky I’ve had them cut off 80lb braid like it was nothing. Just had a small one take a zoom craw I make fishing 6lb mono for bass just saw it never felt weight as it was sliced off at the strike.
Is that the lake the I think it is? The lake you and I were supposed to meet at this spring, Tim?
That's interesting. Every musky I've ever hooked on 8 and 10 lb test has been landed. It's always been in the winter for me.
Dear jifigz,

They say luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

My buddy sent me pictures of the plug he caught it on. Judging by the hook, he only had a few more minutes to land it.


Tim Murphy 🙂
