A little fun with video



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Now, I don't make a dime off my blog or anything else-this is just for fun! I apologize if I'm breaking some law here, mods. Not my intent.

Sal and I fished some of the upper reaches of a northern Lancaster "freestoner" (I use that term lightly because it is spring influenced at the headwaters) on Saturday, and I took my camera along for some hilarity. Hopefully you guys get a few laughs of out this video, and see one of Lancaster's little gems!

I thought Squatches were fast and nimble!
Very enjoyable, you sounded like Dave Chappelle doing his Rick James impersonation "QUACK"

I told you I would upload a pic of the Reddington 5wt spooled up so here it is

this is my new dry fly rig, sorry to be off topic
That was definitely a "RICK JAMES!" impression. Glad the rod is working out for you.
That was a halarious video! (The brookies were nice too!)
Enjoyed the show, esp the commentary!
My favorite quote - "How dare nature get in the way of us enjoying nature." Nice fish.
That's the irony of it. We do act that way sometimes, I think. The duck episode, while funny, kind of shows our attitude about such things. Guilty as charged, too!

damn fine videography there!
Good stuff. Very nice fish. When you fell I was half expecting that rising fish to have turned out to be a Chub.

I forgot about Sal's wet wading antics too.
Oh dude you should have seen the one chub I caught! I almost put it on camera. It was the only non-trout we caught all day, but it was UGLY and big. Started grunting....I refused to touch it. Had my pliers and hemos out for that one.
Hey, I enjoyed fishing with you tonight, thanks for taking me along! Fun video and a pretty stream. Thanks for sharing.
Squatch.........I thought that was a pretty cool video. I lived in Elizabethtown for awhile when i first moved down east to work. Would have been late 1979. I won't burn ya on the spot but i have to tell this story. I used to fish a spot on that stream , i'm not sure if it's above or below where your video is but mine was on a dairy farm that had "Fishing Permitted" signs and parking and well worn paths up through the pasture. Every time i'd go there to fish about a half hour into the day and about the time i was out of sight of the farm , here would come this herd of cows up the path , le3ad by the biggest , meanest *** BULL you ever saw. Thank God there is a fence right there and i was paying attention and they were on the other side of the stream but he would always leave the cows there and come and "visit" me at the fence , he would walk right up and get in my face and tear up clods of dirt pawing and the f er would growl like a bear at me , never failed. Great crowd control.
Bulls, mean arse rams, farm dogs, these are the hazards of being a Lancaster Co. fly fisherman!

I didn't see a stretch that goes through a dairy farm, so you may have been way above us (though it would be in Lebanon Co. then), or below us, which is all put-and-take now-exceptional small mouth fisher down there, though.

I ain't too worried about "burning it" as it gets POUNDED during the first several weeks of trout season, except we were on private land (with permission) for about 80% of this footage, which is why I didn't mention the stream name in the video.
Next time you fall in have Brian hold the camera so we can get a better view. Every time I fish with Ryan he is too busy fishing to catch the hilarity of me falling in. Some day we might catch it on camera.

Great video!
I don't need a camera, I can vividly remember almost all of them and am still laughing at the one at Elk Creek!

Looking forward to watching you fall in this weekend. It's not a fishing trip without it!
That's a heck of a good looking stream. Nice save on the camera too. This is a pretty good example of what it's like to actually fish with you. Duck chasing, falling, a few fish. All in all, a good day.
That stream has been through a lot. In the flooding of 2010 it took a good beating (as did one of its tribs). That's a stream that could use a little care. Its in a sandstone rich area, so silt can get pretty heavy. Its banks are getting wider and wider. It really only needs a little structural care. It wouldn't take much. We found some structural improvements that a fishing club did in the 60s (that part is not in the video), and even that little work made a big difference as far as habitat goes.

It has great hatches, it has natives and wild fish, it's spring fed so it stays fishable year round, it just lacks structure.

All that video needed yet was me catching a lightening trout on a size 10 HE...THEN it would be a complete example of fishin' w/ Squatch!