A Hex on my office -



Mar 7, 2013
Since I don't fish much anymore, the imagery comes to me...


Okay, a LOT of Hexes on my office:


Not entirely sure but I think they're Limbata. Happy landings!
Went for a run at 6:00am this morning. I live close to the Conestoga River in Lancaster County. Lots of hex spinners fluttering above my neighborhood streets and the roads along the river. These things were so slow and clumsy I was snatching them out of mid-air while I ran. Birds were getting a decent breakfast.
And I was all ready for a story on how your computer crashed. Sometimes I think there is a "hex" on mine.
And I was thinking along the lines of a Amish sign.
Based on the darker color, and the later timing, I'd guess these to be atrocaudata, not limbata. Around what river? Did you have similar experiences in previous years?
Pat, I agree that the color was off for Limbata. This is the first hatch of this magnitude at this location during my 14+ year tenure. We are center mass between 3 lakes with Swatara creek inside of 3 miles to the east and south. Given the poor flight characteristics of the Genus, I'm guessing these flies came from Memorial Lake due to a large area of mud bottom. Prevailing southwest wind from the last few days put them on biological drift bearing toward my building. Just a hunch. Worked night shift a few days ago and witnessed numerous Hexies under the airfield stadium lights. Hangar floor has numerous spent spinners these past few days. Cleanup crew having fun with the extra biomass.
H. Atrocaudata is usually much later in the summer, like late August and into Sept. If there are lakes nearby it's probably Limbata.
I was picking these things off a sign at the Turkey Hill when getting gas yesterday. Like I said, the Conestoga River is nearby. They seem attracted to dark surfaces. The live ones at the Turkey Hill were clinging to a black sign. I see them hovering over the streets a lot as if they think the dark strip of asphalt is water?
Just a guess JG, but I'd say you are more downwind from Marquette than Memorial. You are probably right about Memorial being better hex specific habitat, but Marquette is a friggin bug factory of insane magnitude, plus it is a bit closer, if I read you right and you are at the airfield.

McSneek wrote: I see them hovering over the streets a lot as if they think the dark strip of asphalt is water?
I see this behavior a lot with other mayflies, Hendricksons, Quill Gordons, and more recently Green Drakes.
Mayfly brains are smaller than those of wild trout, but not by much.
H. Atrocaudata is usually much later in the summer, like late August and into Sept. If there are lakes nearby it's probably Limbata.

Oops, sorry, I meant bilineata.

But late June through July is primetime for them in PA:




And more info than you ever needed to know, with emergence dates mentioned ranging from mid June to mid-late July.

