A good day of fishin'



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
Lancaster, PA
I was cruising down the road this afternoon and while coming around a bend in the road a mink jumped off the bank and started to cross the road right in front of me. I was on the brakes pretty hard and the mink just kind of froze with that "mink in the headlights look" directly in the lane right in front of my truck. As it stopped I noticed a fish (probably a 5 or 6"er) hanging in its mouth. May have been a native brookie :-o or maybe it was just a chub :-D. It made an about face and went back the way it had come from. I stopped for a short time and watched it bound away down through the snow with its dinner still secured. Pretty cool!
John, it sounds like you almost got dinner and some tying materials. What color was it?
I here ya Jack. Don't think for a minute that I didn't consider it. But, I decided to pull up on it. It was a very dark phase one. The monster flock of crows that took up residence in my back yard the other day, however, weren't quite so lucky. I have two nice new crow wings deboned and curing with some borax out in the shop. The secondary feathers will make some real nice black quill wing wets!
is there enough meat on crows to make them worth trapping to eat ?

i'm thinking of a survival situation, rather than a treat for the wife obviously ;-)

I'm sure if you breasted one out there would be enough meat there to eat, but taking into consideration that they are primarily scavengers I can't believe that it would be very good eating.