A Good Couple of Days



Well-known member
Feb 15, 2019
Ended up spending Sunday and Monday fishing a couple of small NEPA streams. I left the house in Delaware County (just outside of Philly) by 4:00 am and was on the stream a few minutes after sunrise.

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Air and water temps were both in the high 50’s. Wind was up a little bit – nothing that would ruin your day – but I planned for that and packed in a 5 weight. The rain held off until the ride home.

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I fished this one before and have it on my personal Top 15 list: the fishing always seems on, access in and out is convenient, I never see anyone else, there’s plenty of room for an 8-1/2’ rod, the views at the top are breath-taking, and I usually walk away with a wild trout trifecta. Sunday only contained one exception: I was denied another trifecta badge because I didn’t land a wild brown (of all things) all day.

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It doesn’t feel right to describe the outcome as ‘disappointing’ after spending most of the day hooking up with wild rainbows and quite a few unremarkably colored brookies. The foliage made up for it, especially where this little stream starts.

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After hiking a total of 7 miles the day before and an overnight with family in Pittston, I found myself back at it on Monday afternoon. I chose a brookie stream that never disappoints. This one is a little difficult to get to but the investment in elevation gain and hiking mileage (another 5-plus miles out and back) is well worth the effort.

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Air/water temps at noon were 52F and 49F respectively and although I started the day with a stimulator, I quickly decided to stay away from the slow water and work the riffles and undercut banks with streamers. No obvious redds present yet but I tend to be extra careful with this one.

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Action was continuous bottom-to-top and although I’ve fished this one several times before, I never caught such brilliantly colored brookies from it or anywhere else for that matter.

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A good couple of days
How do you get text between photos?
How do you get text between photos?
You have to post the photos as links from your blog/website/etc to be able to post them like that. Since the photos are likely cropped and edited, I would assume the OP has such a site.

Beauty colors on the pre-spawn brookies!
You have to post the photos as links from your blog/website/etc to be able to post them like that. Since the photos are likely cropped and edited, I would assume the OP has such a site.

Beauty colors on the pre-spawn brookies!
I sent kray a a PM earlier today. I just used the file uploader at the bottom of every 'create a post' to add the pix. I author the text and just place my cursor where you want the pic to go before selecting the pic from the file manager and choosing a full size image or a thumb. It'll insert at that point. That's it.
How do you get text between photos?

When using a computer you can simply write your text and copy/paste or drag & drop your photo in >


Write more text and drop the next pic in


And so on..........

In addition, you can grab the corner of the pic and adjust your pic size before posting.
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