A fly for everyone.



Aug 24, 2010
So, my doctor for my mess of a shoulder problem has gone out of his way to help me before surgery. He also fly fishes so I thought why not tie him some flies for his birthday witch is next Monday. i sat down in the lab and quickly realized I haven't a clue what he's fishing for and i dont wanna ask him to make it totally obvious.. I just need a small list of around 5ish go-to-flies, mostly for trout and small mouth. I already whipped up a couple simple buggers and some of my own creations but I really am not the brightest in this category.. keep in mind I am no mage when it comes to tying either. Thanks alot guys.
I'd say maybe an Elk Hair Caddis. It's a pretty useful fly for a lot of applications. Maybe a terrestrial or two as well....
a vladi worm is supposed to be a pretty good "go to fly" and its not all that common or a double bunny in a size 6 or an 8 here try this for the vladi

vladi worm
Selection of buggers.
I like that suggestion; EHCs (or CDC Caddis) and terrestrials are patterns that all of us use at some time or another, and are pretty easy to tie. If you doc is a dry-fly only guy, these flies will still make a good choice, so you can't go wrong.

wsender wrote:
I'd say maybe an Elk Hair Caddis. It's a pretty useful fly for a lot of applications. Maybe a terrestrial or two as well....
The venerable Royal Wullf. Fran Betters' Usual. Partridge and peacock.

All easy to tie, and very useful.
is he only a trouter
Never forget the orange ant(WMD) ;-)

As jay said buggers, terrestrials, caddies, and some of the basic nymphs!

I once had a Doctor that was a flyfisherman, before he retired and moved tp Northern Pa to fish.

I once took him a bunch of my favorite flies just for the hell of it, he was surprised and very thankful!

Very good idea!


Ps, just hope you don't lose a good Doc, to the flyfishing bug, like I did!
Pheasant Tail nymphs and wets are great too. Black and olive buggers will work for bass and trout.
Tossin Flies.............I'd throw a few Clouser minnows in there , one of the claims to fame of that fly is that any fish that eats baitfish will take that fly and between Bob himself and friends of his like Lefty and others say it works universally , salt or fresh , still water and rivers and streams and hundreds of different species. The last time i was in his shop he expressed his desire to catch a musky on one , and since that was many years ago he probably has by now. You can't go wrong with a Clouser or three.
OOOPS!! i meant to add a 5ish list so here goes.......1. Clouser minnow 2. Wooly bugger 3. Elk hair caddis 4. Gold ribbed hares ear 5. Adams ..............that's my 5ish list and i'm stickin to it.
I have black and white buggers, a chartreuse closer, hears ear and an adams.

and whoever put up that video of the worm pattern thats a really good lookin' fly
oh and pheasant tales. nice and simple. do work though.