A Fly Fisher's Sixty Seasons (Steve Raymond)



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
This new book is pretty much a collection of items Raymond had published in magazines. These range from essays about his fishing, mainly for steelhead and trout, to his reasons for fishing. The book is sort of a memoir -- but not exactly.

He laments lost horizons due to development, and he discusses the increasing privatization of water and paid fishing that seems to be the only ways to save quality fishing, though he seems depressed by that. He does note that humans are breeding themselves off the face of the earth.

Sometimes his tone is downcast and nostalgic for times when the fishing was better and much less crowded. (I empathize with that.) His last essay tells us that we should remember the fine qualities of steelhead (perseverance, courage, and lonely survival against great odds) when we encounter difficulties.

Though the book is divided into sections, supposedly organized by seasons, there is no real seasonal approach to the book: It is, rather, a hodge-podge of essays and some fishing experiences.

It's not a great book, but it did help pass the time during several of the recent cold, dreary nights. I can't say I'd recommend spending $25.00 for it, but if you could get it for half of that online, it might be worth it.
