A Fishing Story



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
I have been fishing my retired butt off lately and have had some interesting episodes. Yesterday's takes the cake, at least so far. Something happened that I had never had happen in 40 years on the water. I had declared a "no nymph day," and was using an Adams to catch the fish I could get close enough to cast to in the clear water. I was just about finished, one riff to go. I cast, and immediately a small trout took the little Adams. Immediately, the little trout was attacked by a bruiser, something I have had happen before. But, somehow, the bruiser knocked the little guy off my Adams and hooked himself (in the dorsal fin, I might add), which is something I have not had happen previously. Anyhow, in the low water, he couldn't break off, and a couple minutes later I had him in my net. I removed the fly--it was stuck pretty well--from his fin, and I then let him go. Now, all I guess I really want to know is did I "catch" this trout, or didn't I?
Sure hope it wasn't FFO or we will have to rat you out for poaching.Clever way to use live bait,though.
Good story .In 60 plus years the only times I had anything attack a ``fish on'' were sharks after weakfish.
Yep. since you weren't snagging but some will nope.lol
I say you caught them both. How do you score a double on a single fly rig? Is that an unassisted double play? :-D
When I was a little kid, I would fish the bass pond across from my grandfather's house. I still fish it occasionally, but as a full grown guy with facial hair and all, it's a bit harder to claim the "grandson" defense for access...

We used to catch sunnies all the time on corn, and had a great time. We were about 11 years old. One day, I was landing a sunny and what I immediately called an "alligator" attacked it. It was right at my feet. I later determined it was a musky, but the owners said there were none in there. The next season, the same thing happened, and I landed a 5lb bass. Since then, I've been back with streamers and pooppers, and the occasional plastic worm on spinning gear. I've caught 6 5lb+ bass from that little 200 yard wide pond. Good times, and a lucky find.

The fish was snagged and not caught, but I'm sure you had more fun with that fish than 100 other caught the "conventional" way.

How did your "no nymph day" go with the adams?

With the low water lately, I had a few "sneak up and sight fish to visible fish only days" and I found it pretty educational, humbling, and rewarding.
I have had a few times when fishing for bluegills that I had a bass hit a gill but never with a trout,I wish I could have seen that one,must have been a lot of fun,It is deffinately a trout to remember ,and doesn't matter legal or not at least you put it back.
Yep, I guess it was a 'snag.' But, for Afish..., the day went generally well with legitimately hooked fish up to 13" or so. But, the next day, yesterday, the drizzly one, the trout would not look up, and I went back to nymphing. My no-nymph days are more fun, though, but I have to do a LOT of casting while kneeling as opposed to standing when nymphing. My rickety, nearly 58-yr-old knees, rebel at this, so I don't fish to the water with dries as often as I probably should.
I wish I could discover a trout honey hole like the bass pond with all the 5 pounders. Wow!
If you ask someone what it qualifies as, you will get answers. If you never tell the story, was it any less fun or interesting. If it happened just the way you say it did, and no one else knew about it, it still remains that little smirk on your face when you leave the stream. It is what it is. You don't need to have anyone else qualify it for you. Sounds like a nice day on the stream to me.

I can only hope I have a day like that.

So, I would lable the day a success rather than "did you land him proper". You were'nt trying to do that. I say that as I just returned CO were they allow snagging- which to me requires some skill but is certainly not sport.
I have had several larger fish chase a smaller fish attached to my line, but have never caught the chaser. I had a 15" brown on the Gunpowder a month ago give chase, a 5+ lb bass chase a blugill, and the best, a rainbow hit a 6" chub. Only saw this shadow streak out swim around the chub but when I pulled the chub out of the water he was missing all the scales from his midsection down to his tail. (Ah, to be in Missouri again.)

Well Rich, I've caught a few dumb trout by hooking them in the dorsel fin, I think they missed the fly and I set the hook and caught them there, but without video I can't be sure. Anyway I'd have to say that over the years I've caught maybe 6 that way. Now it used to be in the PFBC book that a trout caught by foul hooking had to be returned to the stream as it wasn't legally caught, so my answer based on that would be no. However, since I've hooked fish that way, and it is rare but it does happen, I'd say it was caught by you, or could it be that the bruiser caught you? Great story, I love hearing things like this.
If the fish originally went for what was on your hook and got foul-hooked in the process, I would consider it getting him, but with a little luck on the side, like if your drive gets a bounce on the cart path.

The one thing I hate about foul hooking is that before I can see the fish, I feel like I got a real big one on, only to be disappointed when it gets closer.
Yeah,even a sucker that was foul hooked can seem like ``Old Moby'' for the first run,anyway.