A fight begins. Susquehanna River, PFBC, spawning bass and the people that want to exploit the river

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006

Really dislike the guy from Susquehanna Bait and Tackle. It's all about exploiting it for tournaments.
Are we able to attended the Jan 23-24 meeting to comment?
If not how do we comment on this topic?
I couldn't read the article as it was behind a survey wall.

Anyway, we can always write to the PFBC (petitions with names are better) and continue to press our views that SMB protections should not be lifted.

With the return of good SMB fishing, there will be increased calls to lift these protections. My sense is that, as long as Arway is at the helm, the protections will probably stay. After all, he was the one who implemented these protections and he's still pushing for impairment, so I would be surprised if the protections are lifted.

Nevertheless, it helps to stay engaged on this and continue to write to the PFBC and comment on message boards for local media as well (obviously, some PAFF folks are already present on the message board for this article - kudos).
Sorry Dave, here is the article copied:

Prized smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna River are rebounding, but the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission still wants the state to declare parts of the river as impaired.

Such a label would set off a massive and expensive cleanup effort.

The state’s Department of Environmental Protection has three times refused the commission’s request to declare the lower Susquehanna River and the lower Juniata River as “sick.”

The commission first sought the controversial designation after a 10-year decline in bass numbers, fish with strange spots and lesions, and even some fish with sexual organs of the opposite sex.

However, with surveys showing four years of increasing numbers of young bass and declining disease, the commission indicates that next month it may relax fishing restrictions on the river’s favorite gamefish.

John Arway, Fish and Boat Commission executive director, told LNP on Thursday that the agency will consider a proposal to relax bass fishing restrictions at its Jan. 23-24 meeting.

Bass fishing is closed from May 1 through June 18 — when bass are spawning and on nests — from Sunbury to the Holtwood Dam, and 31 miles of the Juniata. That was put in place three years ago to protect declining numbers of bass.

The rest of the year, smallmouths may be caught if promptly released.

Arway would not say specifically how the spring closed season regulations would be changed or if it would again become legal to catch-and-release bass during the period.

But he noted that attempts by the agency to prosecute people for targeting bass during the closed season have been thrown out in court.

Some anglers and guides, saying bass numbers are thriving, have pushed back in recent months and implored the agency to quit punishing anglers.

“The positive vibe on the river is that it’s better than it’s ever been,” says Mike Acord, co-owner of Susquehanna Fishing Tackle in Columbia.

“The fishermen were on board with the process. They’re worked hard to get the river back. We’ve got it back with the fishermen’s help and now we should be able to enjoy it.

“We’ll support what’s right and right now it deserves to be open. We all worked for it.”

Joe Raymond, a bass guide from Ephrata, said the commission should “open it back up for a few years and see how it goes,” because “the fishery has improved significantly over the past 10 years and it is arguably the best river smallmouth fishery in the country.”

Both Raymond and Acord said if bass numbers start to decline they would be in support of again making the spring fishing season off-limits.

Despite improving numbers of bass, Arway said there is still something wrong with the Susquehanna that needs fixed.

“Although we are cautiously optimistic about the population numbers we have observed over the last four years, our sampling is still finding young-of-the-year smallmouth bass displaying clinical signs of disease,” Arway said. “We continue to urge the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to list the river as impaired ...”

Refusing to list the river as impaired, state officials said in August that despite extensive testing, it’s still not known for sure what is causing the abnormalities to bass.

A 2015 state-federal study indicated that the most likely causes are endocrine-disrupting compounds from pharmaceuticals — the study did not speculate as to the source — and runoff of herbicides from farm fields and urban areas. Also contributing to the bass declines are pathogens and parasites in the water, the study said.
Other than the 1.5 months bass are a no-go, have there been any other changes to the river over the past few years, like tighter restrictions on discharge limits etc? I guess some of the bassholes have the same mentality of the trout truck chasers.
People continue to baffle me. A system was implemented that helped to restore bass populations and these bassholes want to get rid of it. Do they not want the bass population to continue to grow? Do they really want to rip bass off their nests that bad?! Seriously blows my mind.

So they keep having these studies and then come up with this-Wastewater Treatment plants and farm fields are the culprit. Duh.

By the way the hotshot guy with the jetboat in the flashy video on the other thread is the guide from Ephrata mentioned here. (You know the guy that likes to tear through the spawning areas and show off how shallow he can run his jet)

I wonder if money has anything to do with these river whores wanting the season open constantly?
Looking at the fishing the Susquehanna Facebook page, it looks like there is going to be a large push to remove the spawn regulation.
The main premise is going to be that the bass spawn in waves and the dates do not match the actual spawn. Ex: the water was 80 degrees when the protection lifted. I can agree with this, but I'd rather see the date moved than lifted.
If you honestly feel removing this protection is a bad idea, you better get writing.
Just sayin.
I don't fish for bass much but the nys black bass regs have changed within my lifetime from having a closed season from nov 30th to 3rd sat in June to allowing catch and release artificial lures only during this time period. I think lake Erie and the upper Niagara river may also allow you to keep one large bass (not sure of size). I recognize that the susky and eastern lake Erie and the upper Niagara are different fisheries but I don't think the bass fishing has suffered from the changes.

I am in favor of closed seasons on game fish though. And I don't like the direction nys is headed. They are opening more trout streams year round and there is a push to open lake trout season (which right now opens Jan 1). Getting way off topic, but when I see pics of fish caught out of season it bothers me. The past few years, social media really blew up my local river and tons of pics of lakers caught out of season are posted. I understand they are absolutely a bycatch when targeting steelhead (and there are so many that feed aggressively it's tough not to catch them) but they are supposed to be immediately released unharmed.
I'm all for keeping the current spawn regulations, but if they are lifted it should at least be artificial lures, immediate release, and no tournaments. Can't tell you how many times I've seen guys baitfishing and gut hooking those spring fish, it's ridiculous. Also tournament guys hauling them around in live wells-crazy.
Oh tournaments? That crap should be stopped too. The use of public waters by these guys is ridiculous. Hunting and fishing is not a competition. Once again demeaning the sport. the fish and the river. There is enough competition in this world without letting it wreck something that should be fun.This move to mess with the bass regs is driven by these tournament guys and bait shops and guides I can assure you. You know the PROs everyone thinks are so great. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT
I support the closure during the spawn. It seems to have helped and is a minor inconvenience to anglers. What baffles me is the notion that the bass anglers are selfish idiots that want to exploit the spawning fish for their grip and grin shots......while at the very same time, the fly fishing trout guys refuse to stop fishing during the spawn. "I know what redds look like, I'm very careful, I don't target actively spawning fish, blah, blah, blah". So the bass guys are ripping jet boats through spawn areas to show how shallow they can go, make self promotion videos, etc. but trout fishermen are much more educated and not harming the resource at all. Right. Spawning fish should be left alone, period. Except carp, they suck.
I'm no proponent of tournaments, but as far as I'm aware, the trout tourney guys/gals aren't doing events during or immediately after the spawn.
foxtrapper1972: HUGE +1
+1 krayfish but also -1 for the carp dig
I get nothing..... :lol:

I agree with most everything said on this thread.
Please be sure to write the PFBC on this issue
Thumbs up salvelinusfontinalis!

Agree about closing streams/ sections of streams/ or some streams during trout spawn. Wondering how long after the active spawning period are the redds still vulnerable?

Recall the trout guys on here and other places going crazy about some guy (whose name I will not reveal) down on the Holston River who was allegedly ripping trout off redds....He was called every name you can imagine (all based on rumors) On this same fly fishing forum they celebrate a video by a guy who supports changing regs so he and his clients can rip bass off spawning nests and shows off by burning through gravel shallows in his motorhead jet any season of the year. Kinda hard to figure out.

Wrote Fish Comm. today
Trout and Bass should both be closed during the spawn. However bass are way more aggressive than trout during the spawn. Bass are very often a bycatch during the spawn (although I'm not sure what else you'd target in the Susky during that time).

It is much easier to accidentally catch a bass during the spawn than a trout. I'd guess the 10 biggest SM bass I've ever caught have been during the spawn (5.5 to just under 7 lbs). These were all caught while steelhead fishing during the spring (obviously not in the susky).
To be fair, trout pro admitted to commiting those acts multiple times. He has since decided to stop the practice.

I agree the irony is funny. I too have fished for trout during the spawn, I don't target spawning fish paired up, but I don't fish for trout during the spawn anymore.
I agree with moon, the season should be closed down.

This guy in that article just rubs me the wrong way. IMO it's pretty darn obvious the motives for this push, as referenced by my final comment on that article.
From the perspective of the PAFBC, it should just be good common sense to let nature take its course with repopulating game fish, especially considering the problems with finance and recent population crashes in the Susky. The same ,of course, applies to wild trout re-population.

Then again, common sense and politics are not often associates with one another, Thomas Paine being a notable exception.