A discussion is put to rest.. FOREVER

greenghost wrote:

Your reaction is the one to be envied.

Never wish your excitement away. I wish I would get as excited as I did in my youth about catching any size fish. I used to yip and yell over a 10 inch trout. Don't get my wrong, I still LOVE it, I just don't get as jazzed.... and I miss that.

Thank You.

My son never gets rived up. He is the one that catches them and silently lets them go until ......he came home tonight. He had a good day on the stream....... a very good day. I think his face hurt from the grin he had. It was the biggest quietest "Yahoo" I have ever heard. Everyone just shows it different.
I'd rather be in the middle of LL's avatar pic than on the front page news..........but that's just me .