A discussion is put to rest.. FOREVER



Dec 16, 2008
Just thought this was a good article for all:


from now on when you post a pig make sure pic includes your forarm and there will never be a debate again on if it was 19" or 20+".
except its 12 inches "From the elbow to the bump in my wrist"
on my arm...hmmmmmm

I know whenever I take a pic of a pig I'll just include that guys arm....

Actually, I used this same method once on here for a fish in question. It was written off as ridiculous by the other posters...
tomgamber wrote:
except its 12 inches "From the elbow to the bump in my wrist"
on my arm...hmmmmmm

I know whenever I take a pic of a pig I'll just include that guys arm....

Actually, I used this same method once on here for a fish in question. It was written off as ridiculous by the other posters...

Same with me anything over 16" would be off the charts. Oh well just trying to pass along another means for a quick reference on stream measurement to those that it could apply. Personally I'm amused with the pics of the rod in the mouth but a fish up against an arm would be a close second!
I don't really care. If someone catches a fish and I wasn't there, it can be as big as he wants it to be...I was trying to help that day by sharing that method. I won't make that mistake again.
I would take a little kid with me and use their arm in the picture.

I need all the help I can get.
Why length ?
Fish vary considerably in weight over a year-
JM's day saving 8 inch dry taker could vary as much as an ounce.
Personally I like to use my hand, from a certain line on the wrist to the tip of the middle finger. works better for the little fish which i seem to catch a lot of.
Millertime wrote:
I would take a little kid with me and use their arm in the picture.

I need all the help I can get.

Another idea... something else to put in your pack. :-D


  • armgraphic[1].JPG
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I just tattooed a ruler on my forearm, when I 'em to look longer I flex my wrist inwards!
Or you could just get a Measure Net. A reasonably priced and very functional net that allows quick accurate measurement. They also have replacement net bags to go on the frame you already have.
I have one and it comes in handy

Just use a paint marker and mark your rod every 2 inches. I think this is the easiest way.
LL- can we talk about your avatar. That seems more interesting than large trout.
for sure-haven't had the nerve to ask-lol
Has anyone else used that rod rule? Any chance that much plastic would mess up the rod action?
I'm not gonna call anybody out but the number of inquiries has been astounding! I feel like a rock star!
littlelehigh wrote:
I'm not gonna call anybody out but the number of inquiries has been astounding! I feel like a rock star!

About your measuring method or your avatar?!?
The only way to measure a fish is by the experience just landing it.

I've been a controller at competitions and there are always questions. Do you round up? Is that a creek chub?

It won't matter anyway. You can catch the biggest trout of your life and without a ton of people to be there to see it, it tells you who you are. Heck, I want to be on the news Front Page but that's me. I just am an idiot when I catch a fish. I yelp and just make a 12" fish seem like a 20". Some of us just flip them back in the water and never say a word. I'd like to be more like them.

Your reaction is the one to be envied.

Never wish your excitement away. I wish I would get as excited as I did in my youth about catching any size fish. I used to yip and yell over a 10 inch trout. Don't get my wrong, I still LOVE it, I just don't get as jazzed.... and I miss that.