A Cumberland Valley Loss (Cedar Run)

LetortAngler wrote:
Nice to see PennLive caught the story thanks to JG63.


The article above has a direct link to this thread on PAFF. The link is labeled "flyfishing forum".
Just came across this interesting tool that will show 30 years' worth of satellite images of an area. Not hard to figure out with a visual aid like this how growth impacts watersheds...

The Donegal watershed in Mount Joy is a great example of how growth has removed water from the creek's spring sources.

Interesting comment below in response to the article. Is this still the case today or is this more easily accesible these days?

BillyNunnya Nov 19, 2016
Every time I ever fished this stream as a kid I got chased off by angry land owners. I might support sinking some money into this if they had been more inviting. As it stands now, tough luck!!!!
DanL, nearly all of Cedar is on various private properties, and access is hit and miss (there are no signs which specifically permit fishing). A few landowners have their "pet" stocked fish, and obviously don't want to see fisherman. I personally have never been chased off.

Unfortunately that poster's entitlement is all to common in the fishing community, which I attribute to the PFBC's failing business plan. More people would gain access is they realized that if you give first, you often get e.g. ask for permission, be "seen" collecting trash, etc.