A couple flies I tied for early spring

BigHUMPY9 wrote:
Wow the clarity and quality of the pictures you took a pretty good. You must be an expert photographer and have exquisite equipment!
After looking at the pics of the naturals (thanks afishanado) I am going to start using the musk rat in the nymphs as well.

How was your trip this weekend JustFish?

have good weekends all

Thank you!!!!!!!!!! I know your a good friend!!! I also know that if I had a gambling problem you wouldn't hook me up with a bookie and buy a SAGE fly fod with my loses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOME PEOPLE WOULD THOUGH!!!!!!!
Shawn Reed,
Thanks for the invite i didn't see it till today.Hope you do well,and I wish I could be there.Spring creek is a great stream.And that sounds like a fun place to stay,I'll be in touch.Laura made plans with her brother that I didn't know of,her brothers wife has lung cancer and we'll be attending a function for her.

tight lines,
Shawn.......Just wondering how spring was this past weekend,also I sent you a pm.

tight lines,