A couple flies I tied for early spring



Active member
Feb 18, 2008
Here is a grannom caddis

Hendrickson nymph

[/url]From Flies that I tied[/img]
Hendrickson spinner


Hendrickson Comparadun

What do you guys think?? Any constructive critizism?
I have been told the females bodies on the Delaware are dark mahogany in late april. I did tie up some lighter ones too.
They look good to me!

The only thing I can offer in the way of constructive criticism is related to proportions.

On the nymph, I always try to keep the abdomen the same length as the thorax - if you look at the real bugs, they have a pretty short abdomen. There are some exceptions to this though.

On the c-dun, the tails could be a bit shorter. A good rule of thumb is to make them the length of the hook shank. Again there are exceptions (tricos come to mind).

You did a really good job of keeping the abdomen slender on those dries - again, the real bugs are very slender critters. A lot of tiers make the abdomens too fat - yours look really good.

How long have you been tying? I know guys that have been tying for decades that don't do nice work like that!

What's the spinner wing material? :cool:

I appreciate the advice and the compliment. :-D :-D I started tying a little over a year ago and when I caught my first trout on one of my own flies I was hooked on tying.

The wing material is DNA. I think it is fairly new. I like it, it looks good wet. I thought the nymph was a little unproportional. Thanks for confirming! :-D
Good looking stuff,ya got there.
Like the Grannon

heritage is right on, I would add that the abdomen on the nymph should have a taper from tail to thorax.
sandfly wrote:
heritage is right on, I would add that the abdomen on the nymph should have a taper from tail to thorax.

OK, I was just looking at pictures of the nymph. I'll have to tie some more up then. I appreciate the advice. This is my first time tying Hendricksons. I'll post pictures soon of my improvements!! :-D :-D
Nice flies Justfish. You tie very well for a beginning tyer. Proportions and tapered bodies, etc. are easy to fix. Most importantly you appear to have the techniques down fairly well. I always look at the naturals I'm when tying a fly to imitate them. Keep up the good work.


  • Grannon Adult.jpg
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  • Hendrickson Dun.jpg
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  • Hendrickson Spinner.jpg
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Should the egg sac be a little bigger on the grannom or is it fine the way it is? In the pic you posted it looks like that egg sac is twice the length of mine.

I don't think it matters much, but I guess a little more green wouldn't hurt. BTW, my favorite pattern for the Grannom hatch is a LaFountaine Brown & Bright Green Emergent Caddis Pupa.


Good luck.
Nice flies. What is the color of the dubbing on the Grannom?
Flydog wrote:
Nice flies. What is the color of the dubbing on the Grannom?

It's dark chocolate dubbing.
Nice flies,looks like you must have had a pretty good instructer,well versed in the ways of the force.As well as lightsaber skills.Your well on your way to becoming a master jedi,strong with the force you are.But you could use some more hair on your comparadun,just a little constructive critizism.

tight lines,
I do have some duns thicker. I also tied some up a little on the sparse side. I'll see what the Delaware fish want the last week of April! :cool:
Hope you do well up there justfish,I'm sure you will.Maybe we'll get together and do some fishing this spring.They do prefer the sparse over the full comparadun,especially picky fish,they lok good.

tight lines,
I meant look not lok dam beer.
Fishinmagician wrote:
Hope you do well up there justfish,I'm sure you will.Maybe we'll get together and do some fishing this spring.They do prefer the sparse over the full comparadun,especially picky fish,they lok good.

tight lines,

Spring....I'm going to Spring Creek Saturday and Sunday. 49 degrees on Sunday.
Spring/winter whatever,I was thinking of hitting L.L saturday or valley not sure yet.Anyway was that an invite or just info on where your going/not sure.Where do you usually stay up there,I'm on a tight budget these days,also sunday looks like rain up there,dress accordingly.

tight lines,
It's an invite Don Ingram if you want to go. We stay at the econolodge.

Actually, the Brown's Hill Tavern....Motel with a bar!!
Wow the clarity and quality of the pictures you took a pretty good. You must be an expert photographer and have exquisite equipment!
After looking at the pics of the naturals (thanks afishanado) I am going to start using the musk rat in the nymphs as well.

How was your trip this weekend JustFish?

have good weekends all