9wt to borrow?



Jun 3, 2019
Does anyone have a 9wt in the pittsburgh region they're willing to let me borrow next week? I ordered a redington predator months ago and it keeps getting backordered week after week and my schedule just tightened up A LOT so I have much less trip time. I'm willing to trade flies or something else and it's for the salmon river so it can be a $50 broomstick for all i care i just can't use my expensive steelhead rod i know that.

Thanks in advance!!
Pineville is at less than 500. If you're steelhead rod is a 7 or bigger your fine. If it's smaller than a 7 it's not a steelhead rod lol.

I have a 9 I'd let you use but unfortunately I'm on the road and don't have it with me. The shops in Pulaski should have cheap 8s or 9s (less than 100 bucks).
my steelhead rod is a 10' 7wt so its got some backbone but i just dont really want to risk it as this whole salmon thing is on a whim anyways.

thank you for the offer moon, ill have to consider just using my 7 or if i want to just get a cheap stick and give it away one day. i still might get lucky and find a rental too lol
Kind of a weird ask. Are you serious?
Whats gonna happen if you break a borrowed rod? I have a St Croix Legend ultra that I have as a backup saltwater rod.
WTF?!?!? Agree with above, go buy a cheap one.
Agreed, weird ask.
Sooo, you're willing to take the chance of breaking someone else's rod, but not your own??

Wouldn't your expensive rod have a warranty?

Over the years here, I've seen members offer to lend a fly rod out to certain other members, but I've yet to see somebody ask to borrow a rod because they don't want to jeopardize their own rod. :lol:
sorry strange ask for some i guess? i figured my 7 was undergunned for salmon and it's not like i'm asking for a 7 anyways so im not sure how some folks think im just looking to break someone else's stick... i honestly don't think id break anyone's 9 (and if i did it would be replaced obviously) and id take my own 9 if redington would ship it in the two months advance i ordered it. also why risk breaking my main steelhead stick even with a warranty when the season is so close?

none the matter a friend is letting me borrow his 10' 8wt so mods please delete this. appreciate all the helpful responses though folks, thanks to moon and hooker for being the only constructive ones
10' 8 is perfect for salmon. But I'm sure I've caught 500+ kings there on a 10" 7. A 9 is ok too but you don't need it.

I've broke 7s and 8s there. Never used a 9. Each rod that broke was my fault. I broke a 7 and an 8 high sticking a fish (100% my fault), and I exploded a 7 in the butt - still my fault, when you're undergunned just break it off.
Damn I miss Gfen! Dude you can rent a setup from Whitaker’s I think…buy a ugly stick fly rod…seriously

Fly rod + Pulaski + salmon = 80% chance the rod will be snapped.

Guy I used to fish with broke 7 one season... including 2 in one day. He was using 9 & 10weights.....ended up buying ugly stick from Whittaker's LoL
The cool part is … every busted fly rod usually comes with a great story or at least a story that is crafted to meet the situation in your mind!! When I used to work in a fly shop part time, every time someone would deliver a broken fly rod to the counter, the first thing I made them do was tell me the story. There were some really good ones!
dc410 wrote:
The cool part is … every busted fly rod usually comes with a great story or at least a story that is crafted to meet the situation in your mind!! When I used to work in a fly shop part time, every time someone would deliver a broken fly rod to the counter, the first thing I made them do was tell me the story. There were some really good ones!

My last broken stick was a 10810 on a tarpon in the Keys. It broke at the reel seat. I still caught that fish. Then I switched to an 11810, which I proceeded to break the fly line. Then the 1290 finished the day.

Come to think of it, that's the only rod I broke on a fish, the other two were clouser and truck door, respectively (same day fishing the surf).

BrookieChaser wrote:
dc410 wrote:
The cool part is … every busted fly rod usually comes with a great story or at least a story that is crafted to meet the situation in your mind!! When I used to work in a fly shop part time, every time someone would deliver a broken fly rod to the counter, the first thing I made them do was tell me the story. There were some really good ones!

My last broken stick was a 10810 on a tarpon in the Keys. It broke at the reel seat. I still caught that fish. Then I switched to an 11810, which I proceeded to break the fly line. Then the 1290 finished the day.

Come to think of it, that's the only rod I broke on a fish, the other two were clouser and truck door, respectively (same day fishing the surf).

That’s what I’m talking about, BC. The fact that you still managed to catch that fish after breaking the rod at the reel seat. That’s the cool part!
I used a 10ft 7wt last year and it did fine. Just had to know my limits and take my time with nicer fish.