70 lb. striper

Fishidiot wrote:
Perhaps this is because the freshwater fish have better forage and don't have to migrate hundreds of miles every year(?).

No energy used fighting surf currents to forage.
duckfoot wrote:
ebroesicke wrote:
Flounder (fluke) > striper for eating. IMHO
Flounder's good, but they're more of a PITA then they're worth.


Different flounder maybe?

I was talking winter flounder. Fluke are a different fish that sometimes known as summer flounder and are larger, and not as good texture IMHO. My understanding is Southern flounder are similar to Fluke.

I used to live in Connecticut, and I remember one particular day of fishing with a friend in an undisclosed location. The only PITA was that they were biting so well that after an hour and a half of fishing I had to quit fishing and pull in both lines in order to drink a beer. By the time I had one rod baited up, the other had fish on, and quite often it was a double.

When you catch the run in the Spring when they are returning to deeper water, it's non-stop.

Easy to catch, easy to filet, easy to cook, Good fried, bakes, or broiled. What PITA?

Even my wife loved fishing for them. She still occasionally talks about it.

If only I could get her to clean them, but my knife skills are better.

Fluke were more of a pain because we would also catch a lot of undesirable fish like skate and the crabs would pick you clean.

Edit: I noticed you added net. Might be a pain if you are trawling for other things. I don't know. I was targeting them.
there has been bass caught up in near new York that are 40 inches. that being said they are pretty rare.
I agree with that grouper comment its by far the best eating fish that swims. id give flounder second and dolphin third.
striper is good but the ones above are my favorite by far. there is a place in Clearwater that makes grouper sandwiches that are one of the best things I have ever ate.
my favorite way to cook a striper is to cut it into chunks put it in tin foil and cover it with old bay and mayo. taste just like crab meat.
Yea, I'd agree that grouper is better than flounder. I don't know if I have a favorite, but grouper would be very high on my list.

Just joking
FarmerDave wrote:
Edit: I noticed you added net. Might be a pain if you are trawling for other things. I don't know. I was targeting them.
That they are. Foul up the nets at the bottom near the weights. Not much you can do about it, but it does let you practice your cursing.
When I go for fluke on my yak I usually bring a net but love fishing for them. They hit hard fight hard and taste great nothing you cant like about them if you ask me.
Such a shame the rockfish situation in the Chesapeake. Just had a watermen tell me last week he alone hulled 60 thosand pounds in his nets this winter. That is just one of the thosands of nets in the bay.

These fish are certainly headed for diaster agian. In the Maryland and Virgina legislators the Watermen rule and they get every thing they want. They live an antiquated life syle that frankly is not even very lucrative. The crab population is not fairing much better as it also is ready for a mega collapse. Dont belive any of the "research" these animals are in the decline because of over harvest and to a lesser extent pollution. Nothing elese.

The sport fisherman play there part also people dont dare release fish. Everyone wants to kill that big mama striper full of eggs. Every thing with these fish is kill kill kill ask questions later. Please support CCA they do what they can but as I said there efforts are sad to say often futile. We need catch and release regulations from the sport fisherman and NO MORE COMMERCIAL HARVEST.

On a lesser side note that is one heck of a fish. Would like to know what kind of tackle she was caught on.
duckfoot wrote:
Shame we've overfished them. My grandfather used to catch these by the boatload nearly every day on the Chesapeake. I have pictures of their boat at the docks with many fish like that one hanging off the gunwales, showing off their daily catch.

By the way, they are the best eating fish you'll ever have.
Redfish -better fighting and eating-sadly says an old Yankee who grew up fishing and loving upper Chesapeake-
Flounder good eating but about exciting to catch as a doormat.
Marcq,probalbly Frenchies restaurant on Cleawrater Beach. There are others that make a mean Grouper sandwich that are not as well publicized as the Frenchies Chain. I'm hoping that the crappy weather goes away and I can get out for a trip.GG
Pete, reds are good, just that I like the grouper better. Son takes a filet off a red and ,leaving the skin on, grills it . It's pretty darn tasty. GG
Yea its frenchies if you like spicy the buffalo grouper sandwich is awsome. Reds are good had my first about a month ago in New Orleans.