6 or 7 Weight rod

We will just have to kidnap him some time. He so responsible, another thing I need to learn from him!

That's one of the coolest things I have noticed on this site. It's a really fun dynamic to watch. I'm glad Gary found a good home, I know the fish won't be!
pcray1231 wrote:
Pcrays 7wt 10' loomis was fantastic last year in Erie. Not only did it make high-sticking more enjoyable than my shorter rod, it made playing fish a breeze. if it wasn't for sas's brother needing a rod I would have...should have never traded it! BTW Pat, he LOVES that orvis, thanks again!

Hehe, I feel a little guilty actually. I haven't used the Loomis much yet, just haven't gotten out for that type of fishing. Though I do LOVE the rod. I fell in love with it right away in my yard. I was strippin out line test casting till I got to the point where my cast started falling apart, standard yard playing. I at first felt a little dissapointed, to be honest, it didn't have that "cannon" feel that most Loomis's have as you get into their reserve power, I love that feel. Then I looked down at the reel, and saw all BACKING. I was throwin a whole line and still not into it's reserve power! The cast falling apart was just exposing my timing issues.

The Sage it replaced, I also liked and made a few good memories with. It now resides with csoult and will get some steelhead action this fall.

Glad he likes the Orvis. That was a great rod that I simply didn't like much. Just didn't fit me. It happens. Glad it found a happy home.

Funny how equipment gets passed around. Everything ended up in hands where it's well appreciated.

10' makes a ton of difference doesn't it? Though we rarely use 10' rods for those long casts, I have started seeing more and more folks using 6 and 7 wt 10ft rods on the D for long casts. I like them for tossing popper/dropper and fishing out of the pontoon. Oh, and they are nice for nymphing .. lol.
I love a longer rod but a 7 weight for steelhead is a bit light don't you think? For Everything else it sounds fine, but if you want to take a trip to Salmon River a bit North I pack a heavier rod. I'm a little fish girl but my son needed to upgrade the seven weight lake rod 10' was too light. It's a really good rod. He bought a cheaper 9 weight for this particular purpose. 10 foot as well.

My husband is a gun buff and he has to have every caliber for every purpose..he's extreme...or maybe just loves shooting, but while I believe you can fill gaps, buy what you love to do the most. Shop sales for the rods that will bracket the areas in between. If steelhead fishing was the love of my life I would go no less than an 8weight..I'd buy a 9wt. If lake fishing was my fancy I'd go with a seven.