50.00 Abel Nippers, Worth It?

I just buy the $3 nippers by the flyshop register. I can buy a lot of them for $50 and they always seem to get lost eventually anyway. Haven't had a problem with any of them. The set on my vest retractor is 5+ yrs old and still going strong. A minor miracle that I still have them. I also have the hemo/cutters also. I'd rather put the money towards another rod, reel or post fishing beer!
Nail clippers for me. I have never dented the edge of clippers cutting fishing line. How are you guys putting dings in the cutting edges of clippers?
Yes, they are worth it. Although, everything you buy for need or pleasure is subjective. Do I really need them, probably not, but they are nice and perform splendidly....Some would say bamboo rods are not worth it, but it is hard to hold anything else in my hands but cane when fishing....Only you can answer what is really worth it. If I answer these questions for you, you might go broke :)
Go to the Fly Fishing Show in NJ - I'm sure they will have nippers for a lot cheaper than $50.00.
nippers??? we don't need no stinking nippers just bite em off
I always used to buy the cheapo 3.99 pair of nippers from the fly shop until I was given a pair of the Abel's as a gift. The problem with the less expensive nippers was that my simms retractor would always open and dump them in the stream. They would work fine for about 4 or 5 trips and start to go dull. If you're a weekend warrior they will work just fine and there would be no justification in spending the 50 dollars on the Abel's. I enjoy the fact that the Abel's easily attach to a lanyard which allows me to wear them around my neck, completely eliminating the chance that I lose them due to those retractors opening. They cut great even after 100 days on the water. Bottom line, they ARE worth it to me. I've had plenty of trips with them, no issues in dulling, and yes...they are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I'd be hesitant to pay the 50 dollars but only because I'm not rich by any means. I believe that you should never buy a cheap tool, especially if it involves your trade or passion. And yes, I do realize that just because something is expensive doesn't mean it's great. However, the Abel nips have been great to me. I would highly recommend them.