4th Annual Erie, Pa Steelhead JAM!

Ry...I'm definitely in...I'll try to make it friday after work but will most likely shoot for saturday and sunday

3 weeks out!
I am going to try meet up on Friday afternoon or sat morning recovering from surgery now hope to be 100%by then
I'm a new paff member and would like to join Steelhead Jam. I live in Berkeley Springs, WV near border of south-central, PA. I would like to share ride and or room if possible. Arrival / departure time flexible.
I will try and make the jam one of the days. I am off that entire weekend.
buybook wrote:
I'm a new paff member and would like to join Steelhead Jam. I live in Berkeley Springs, WV near border of south-central, PA. I would like to share ride and or room if possible. Arrival / departure time flexible.

I won't be staying the night but I'm sure someone might be able to share a room with you.

The fishing has been so so this year, but I look forward to seeing and fishing with everyone!

2 weeks out!
Sorry I will miss you guys coming up to my area this year. I will be at bear camp from thusday till wed. Had a blast fishing with you guys the last two years. If anyone needs any tips just shoot me a pm im glad to help. Fishing has been pretty good got out sunday for awwhile had a few hook ups and seen alot of fish caught. Elk is back down after the 7 days of rain we had. Was looking pretty clear today when I left work. Been lots of guys out the last few days but the fish are spread out. So if ya put a little foot work in you can get away from the crowds and still find some fish. Good luck and have fun and most of all stay safe. I will keep ya posted on stream conditions next week till I leave for camp then im off the grid.
Hey guys...I have some bad news which I hope one of you is willing to make good...I was up in Erie today for some fishing and left one stream to go to another...since it was a short drive I didn't put my rod in its case...just took it apart and placed it in the back of my car...well..during the drive the top portion of my rod somehow got stuck between my back seats and snapped :( ...fortunately my rod like many others is under warranty...however I don't know how long it will take for it to get back to me...I really don't want to miss the JAM this year....so what I'm asking is if anyone has an old/extra rod I can borrow...I know its a stretch and not an easy thing to ask...but its between that or missing the JAM completely for me....I will use my reel and my flys...just need a rod
Just an idea: a backup rod. Let it be cheap, it will be better than nothing should something like this happen in the middle of a trip.

This company is in Erie, PA. I don't know if they have a retail outlet there, but I hear their mail-order is lightening fast:

Bruno and I are arriving sometime Friday and leaving Saturday evening. Tenting at Follys End. We'll have a total of 5 in our party including Bruno's son. Looking forward to seeing friends new and old.
Hey guys...Some unfortunate news...I will not be able to make it to the JAM this year...Got a call from my parents this morning that my uncle passed away after a long fought battle with diabetes and the funeral is going to be that weekend...Family comes first but I'll be looking forward to reports and pictures
I look forward to meeting you guys. See you at follly's.

New guy dillema. Would love to come up for the Jam, but as you can see from this being my second post I,m having some trepidation. Got a fly rod this year after getting back into fishing but really havent used it too much ( a couple of practice sessions not really fishing just casting and not very well ) It seems that everyone encourages new guys to come up and people will try to help them out. I,m not worried about embarassing myself I,m good at that. I,m worried about annoying others and generally being a PITA. Just wondering what your thoughts are
You won't be a pain in the ***. Someone will take you under their wing. I won't be there, but knowing some of the guys that are going to be there, you will be fine.
pro4mance wrote:
New guy dillema.

Find the guy with the donuts (ryguyfi) - problem solved.

You might want to contact him beforehand, to make sure you catch him when he gets there. Ryan is absolutely top notch - he won't let you down.

Bring a big cup of coffee, and have fun. Did I mention Ryan will have the donuts? You want one. Trust me. ;-)
As of right now I'll only be there for a short time on Saturday. There's a slight possibility I'll be there on Friday afternoon but that's very slight. I'll be in the pavilion at the camp ground around 7am. Donut shop opens at 5am so I'll be there as soon as I can.

If you're planning on going, just reply here so I can get a rough estimate on how many donuts to bring.

They're pretty much a whole day's worth of calories so you can eat and then fish all day without worries.

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ryguyfi wrote:

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Just click the picture and it becomes "actual size."
Ok took the plunge will be coming up. To my shock the Sunset Motel had a cancellation and I got a room, all be it I may have to switch rooms on Saturday, but thats no problem. Thanks to everyone for the advice. I won't be arriving untill Friday evening between 7 or 8. The point of the post is I will probably have an extra bed so if someone needs it they can get in touch with me. So far the room on Friday is non smoking and the room Saturday is a smoking room which is fine because I am a smoker. PS I may snore, fart, and drink beer. Thanks again for the advice look forward to meeting alot of new friends. Norm
Did I kill the thread? JK

Some of us will be meeting for dinner at 7 PM at the Avonia Tavern Friday evening. http://goo.gl/maps/juAer

Hope to see you there. Great wings and ribs.