3rd Annual Western PA Wild Trout and Sandwich Symposium

ryguyfi wrote:
I missed that spot burn. I'll have to bribe biker with a brew next time I see him for that.

Hint - Get him a pitcher of beer, and he sings like a canary!
rats! you guys found out my weakness!
that's ok, plenty of old fishing gear out there for those that want it!
It was nice meeting everyone. Thanks for the flies dryfly and riverdog! Look forward to using them and trying some new spots.
Wild Thing
short movie

PAFLYFISH Event, Feb 4th, 2012
3rd Annual Western PA Wild Trout and Sandwich Symposium

The Troggs - Wild Thing
Chimaira - Wild Thing

ha ha!! great stuff Jared! we were just threre yesterday and wondering how the production was coming along!
First rate Jared! You just made my morning. Wish I would have been there.
Dat made me hungrey for a Premannies sammich.
Western Pennsylvania:
Cold weather, cool dudes, hot sandwiches...:)
Awesome job Jared. That last beer had too much of a head for the dry fly to float properly lol.

I wanted to stop there and grab a bite to eat before the Cabin Fever show, but ran late.
Really cool! Great job Jared