3500 gals of oil into Venango Co. Class A



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
I just heard a preliminary report that a storage tank accident has allowed about 3500 gallons of crude oil to leak into Cherry Run, an Oil Creek tributary. Don't have time now to seek out a full report.

After 6:30pm the new updated vid may be up. They are saying vandals may have tampered with the tank. @25 gal made it to Cherry Run fro what I understand.
Wouldn't be the first time this has happened to Cherry Run. For a while during the 70's and 80's, it was a regular event. As I recall, the only time it actually led to a significant fish kill was when some yoyo working for one of the many oil supply or drilling ops in the area at the time stopped at the bridge in Plummer (about halfway up the watershed) and emptied whatever was in his truck into the creek. I can't remember what he was carrying, maybe gasoline or some solvent. That did a number on the creek.

If the actual spill amount was in the 25 gal. range, this is no more than probably a hundred (he**.., several hundred now that I think about it..) other like episodes spilled through the PA oil region in the last 40 or so years. They've been pretty common.

One saving grace with these spills is that with the usual stream gradient/volume in the region and with the usual small size of the spill, very little mixing occurs and damage is usually pretty negligible. Usually.

But, in any event, in these days when, due to sky high crude prices, the industry in PA is probably chomping at the bit to crank things up, this is just one more reason to make sure they are on a short leash in regulatory terms..
That sticks. Had the fortune of fishing this river for the first time over this Sept. That stream is tiny. A little oil seems it could do a lot of damage.
Considering how much water is or isn't in the creek they could be more worried about it seeping instead of floating downstream. Surface clean up is usually a lot easier than cleaning the bottom of a creek bed. I think the vandals should face the same penalties that the railroad faced from the Sinnemahoning spill. Sounds like all who need to be there are there. I think Oil creek should be ok...but that's just me.
If vandals are the culprits they should be lined up and shot.
>>I think Oil creek should be ok...but that's just me.>>

Tom: Cherry Run enters Oil Creek on the north end of Rouseville, several miles downstream from the lower terminus of approved trout water. It's excellent smallmouth water down through there, almost as good bass water as some of the sections of the stream that allegedly are "trout water".

Like I say though, 25 gallons isn't much oil. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there isn't nearly that much seepage into Oil Creek each month (both natural and from existing or abandoned ops) from the entire watershed. If you fish up into the Caldwell or Pine drainages, there are natural oil seeps all over the place. Each is very small, but cumulatively I'll bet they amount to pretty close to this amount of oil.

Still, they should shoot them.

It's the principle of the thing...:)

A little over a decade ago, give or take, some yahoo dumped some gasoline in that creek. I believe they traced it to one of the truck depots and to a disgruntled emloyee... and I believe charges were filed. I don't remember the outcome. I just remember it killed everything in the creek from the spill to the mouth, and a couple residents were even treated at the hospital from the fumes. They were talking about dead fish, snakes, etc. It was all over the local news back then. I don't think that one was in the town of Plumer though. I think it was at a bridge down closer to Rouseville. This is all from memory, so i could be wrong.
Considering that there are 42 gallons per barrel of oil and and 65 barrels were dumped that works out to be 2730 gal of oil.

Oil forms a film than is only a few molecules thick. As such with the amount of oil in question here, I would expect that a large portion of this stream and the boardering soil will be coated with oil that will perk back out into the stream over time.
well at least only a 1/2 berrel got into the stream. what a shame and i feel bad for the guy who lost all that oil. those people who did this are not only criminals...they are enviromental terrorists :-x
This is the sort of thing that will cause people to post their land.
Indeed it is... It's morons like those vandals that ruin access to a fantastic resource (not to mention potentially destroy it, which is infinitely worse) that myself and my fellow PAFlyfish board members hold so dear. Thank god the emergency crews took such quick action... after reading the posts yesterday i thought i wouldnt be able to fish Cherry for years to come.