3/24 youth fishing day rules



Active member
Dec 2, 2009
Can more than 1 child accompany an adult with a license as long as they have all the needed (Mentor, etc) licenses? I've read the PA Fish Commission writeup but (it's probably me) I can't figure out if it's just 1 child per adult or multiple ....... Thanks, I have 2 grandkids.
Uhh I would like to say so much more but will refrain. Y

The answer is yes you can take multiple youth fishing with you as long as they have the permit. My father and I take my niece and nephew every year and they have a great time.

Just make sure the waters you intend to fish are already stocked. Some streams don’t get stocked until a few days prior to the traditional opening day.
Thanks for the info.

Uhh I would like to say so much more but will refrain. Y
Sorry if I cause any frustration or the question was out of line.
Perfectly valid question. I think (if my memory serves me correctly) that HopBack's angst stems from some of his observations while engaging in the mentor angling activity in years past.

For instance, there are esteemed angling families who would stand the provision on it's head and take along one child, so that multiple adults could then "mentor" that child. Each adult, of course, has their own rod. Or a 1-year old is thrown in the backpack to be "mentored" while the so-called adult does the fishing.
springer1 wrote:
Thanks for the info.

Uhh I would like to say so much more but will refrain. Y
Sorry if I cause any frustration or the question was out of line.

I don't think your question is what caused the frustration...its the PFBC and their rules explanations or because maybe a lot are not in favor of this mentor youth fishing day (I'm personally not a fan of it). The PFBC makes a lot of their rules so confusing that no one truly understands them. This is happening with the crappie regulations at Sayers dam. Even the warden in the area has the rules incorrect. (Sayers has a limit of 10 crappie per person. You can have a MAX of 5 over 9 inches. This means you can have 5 9+inchers and 5 under 9 inches or say 2 9+inches and 8 under 9 inches. A lot thought it meant you couldn't have more then 5 under 9 inches too which is incorrect.) There is no reason that you should need to read the rule 10 times think you finally got it understood but still be slightly confused. Then you go out and talk to someone else about it and they understood it completely different then you. They either do this intentionally to give out fines or they just truly do not care.
The rules are quite simple. The problem is the unethical adults who take advantage of them. All for catching trout, freezing them and 6 months later throwing them away because of freezer burn. Or some will say that they are have fresh trout for dinner 6 months after taking them from that freezer!
joebamboo wrote:
The rules are quite simple. The problem is the unethical adults who take advantage of them. All for catching trout, freezing them and 6 months later throwing them away because of freezer burn. Or some will say that they are have fresh trout for dinner 6 months after taking them from that freezer!

That's my issue with all the youth mentor programs...
It’s become a tradition for me and my nephew. Although we have yet to keep any of the stockies he has caught. I would if we deep hooked one. I’ve been lucky as I have yet to witness any adults behaving badly or abusing the rules. The whole point is to get your kids fishing in a time when their results will be maxed.

For anyone wishing to avoid adults fishing altogether, I recommend the children’s only areas like Clark’s Creek at the nursery. It was crowded but the fish and kids were eager and the DC Anglers and PFBC folks made it a great day.
I love the youth program, my daughters have/had great times. I agree it is abused but not by all of us. My oldest is to old to go , I do take out my other two daughters and next year my son will be old enough to join us. They all love fishing for now and they still talk about the huge fish they caught last year.


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No idea but ran into problems at Muddy Creek a few yrs ago as the locals feel adults can't fish with their children. Was practicing catch n release and had more then one argrument with locals and had to inform them to read the regulations. It was soo bad the locals were throwing corn in the water. God forbid you catch their stockers. What a shame!!
smm717 wrote:
No idea but ran into problems at Muddy Creek a few yrs ago as the locals feel adults can't fish with their children. Was practicing catch n release and had more then one argrument with locals and had to inform them to read the regulations. It was soo bad the locals were throwing corn in the water. God forbid you catch their stockers. What a shame!!

I don't think the adults can fish with their children on the youth mentor day. They can help cast but that's it from what I know. If the adult is allowed to fish then I REALLY do see issues with this program. Concentrate on your kids...not your fishing!
Read the rules.

Were you throwing corn in the water?
Multiple youth may accompany one adult. In fact, it is common. The adult need only be a fully licensed angler, which means that a sixteen year old could take a younger brother, sister, cousin, or friend fishing and I have on rare occasion seen teens with a younger person. I have even seen a non-angling parent purchase a license just so the children could fish on MYD.
bigjohn58 wrote:
smm717 wrote:
No idea but ran into problems at Muddy Creek a few yrs ago as the locals feel adults can't fish with their children. Was practicing catch n release and had more then one argrument with locals and had to inform them to read the regulations. It was soo bad the locals were throwing corn in the water. God forbid you catch their stockers. What a shame!!

I don't think the adults can fish with their children on the youth mentor day. They can help cast but that's it from what I know. If the adult is allowed to fish then I REALLY do see issues with this program. Concentrate on your kids...not your fishing!

In 2018, Adults are allowed to fish with their children just not allowed to harvest. Children are allowed to keep 2 fish and must have their free mentor youth permit (or voluntary youth license).

I'm okay with this regulation if it means more adults take their children out to fish, not all children need supervision 100% of the time while stream-side.
My friend and I will be out with our 3 year olds again this year. Last year the boys sat with a pole in their hands fishing while I supervised them, my friend did some more aggressive fishing to get more hookups then handed his rod to the boys to reel them in. It worked out well, and kept their attention for most of the morning until nap time.
smm717 wrote:
Read the rules.

Were you throwing corn in the water?

If I had a can of corn I probably would have thrown the whole can unopened at ya...I can't stand corn hatches and I can't stand adults taking advantage of a day meant for the youth. Concentrate on the youths not the adults. If it takes the adult fishing to get the youth out then there is something totally wrong and selfish about that adult!
I know the rules and regs but it is appalling that people want to argue the law with adults who actually read the rules and regulations and know how to interpret them. To actually threaten "I better not see you on this stream again" when your with your child is rediculous and inappropriate. I guess they call that area we fished " Little Essex" for a reason.

Go fish and have fun with your grandchildren. Catch fish and put smiles on the youngters faces. Get them hooked!!
Bigjohn58. Do you chase stock trucks?

My son was 15yrs old. Sorry I floated some muddler minnows in between baiting his hook and netting his fish. It was a day we could enjoy the water together.

Keep chasing that stock truck. Maybe they will let ya throw a bucket in the hole your fishing.
smm717 wrote:
Bigjohn58. Do you chase stock trucks?

My son was 15yrs old. Sorry I floated some muddler minnows in between baiting his hook and netting his fish. It was a day we could enjoy the water together.

Keep chasing that stock truck. Maybe they will let ya throw a bucket in the hole your fishing.

Does my photo of a wild tiger trout appear that I chase the stock truck? I just don't like seeing programs abused.

And as far as understanding the rules...the Warden in Centre County doesn't understand them if you read my first post to this thread. Having an officer not understand the rules wouldn't be a first that's for sure!

what's a fish warden? Haven't seen one in over 20 years.
Hook_Jaw wrote:

what's a fish warden? Haven't seen one in over 20 years.
I haven't seen one in 17 years. :) I'm OK with that, because I only fish wild streams, so I wouldn't expect to see one in most of these areas.