2018 New Year's Resolutions

1.) fish new waters
2.) striper on the fly
3.) mako on the fly
4.) be more present in the moment when in nature
I resolve to fish more. And to be a better human being.
1 trout a month. Janurary is going to hurt!!!
You need to set you goals a little higher. That's only a dozen trout for the year. :-o
Good catch....At least 1 trout a month... :)
My goal is to continue to be cigarette free for the rest of my life (I quit on 09/22) and use that extra money to pay for more shuttles on the main stem and WB Delaware.

My two other wishes (not goals) are to hook and land a 25" brown on a dry fly and a 26", or bigger, brown on a streamer and have a camera with me to record the event.