2017 Carpin' thread

Sorry to hear about the bowfishing the state needs to get off their buts and make creel limits for bowfishing or stop them for using lights at night I don't see how it can be legal for them to Use them for fish and not other animals it's just not sporting.
Had off today and decided to edit a little video
Yeah it’s hard to find good music that’s isn’t copyrighted these days
afishinado wrote:
^ Nice vid, Fred!

Could a done without the Abba music in the background, though.
Nice video, Fred! It's been way too long since I stuck a carp. Can't wait for the water to warm up. Days like today make me want to get out there and start to locate some as they creep up out of the cold depths of winter. Bring it on!
dc410 wrote:
Nice video, Fred! It's been way too long since I stuck a carp. Can't wait for the water to warm up. Days like today make me want to get out there and start to locate some as they creep up out of the cold depths of winter. Bring it on!

Thanks, I have a couple of snakehead videos I'm working on also hope to have them out soon .