2015 Fish N Chips Event



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Hello everyone. With my new job responsibilities picking up in July and August, I will be unable to organize nor attend this event. If someone would like to pick it up in my place this year, please do otherwise this event will not take place this year. Sorry for the late notice but things have been crazy at work for me.
been great of you to do this in the past! hopefully things will settle down in your schedule.
I'm might be able to do this Foxgap. I confess I don't have any idea what this event is.I'll PM you my contact info and educate me a bit
I can most likely help out if needed. Just let me know what I could do.

I would definitely like to help and I can try to put this together. I know the first thing is picking a date. I have a pretty busy August and July too but July 18th is the first date I'll throw out there. Would that day work for everyone?
Just a heads up....

First thing ya gotta do is check with Dave at the fly shop to find out what dates are available. If he has an event booked on a day we choose, we'll be tailgating it.

It's also just common courtesy to check with the owner of the facility we'll be using. Of course, there are other locations we could use for this event, but the fly shop tables and canopy are darned convenient, and working with Dave guarantees a spot to do this. All the other places along the creek are first come, first served - no reserving them.

Since we typically leave lots of leftovers for him, I'm sure he'll bend over backwards to help us out.

I can be there any day you choose, but if it's the 18th, I can't get there until 7am, and will have to leave by 1pm. There's a chance I can sneak out of work a bit earlier, and that chance increases exponentially if Carolyn is bringing her homemade chocolate chip cookies! ;-)
I'll volunteer to bring meat loaf(good cold) and 2 doz homemade cookies. And can be there very early to help set up.
Haha I don't think that will be a problem Ed, chocolate chip cookies will be there. Does Dave have a phone number at the shop? I can give him a call but I couldn't find one anywhere.
AFISHN wrote:
I'll volunteer to bring meat loaf...


There will be NO leftovers on this - I promise.
martin0206 wrote:
Does Dave have a phone number at the shop? I can give him a call but I couldn't find one anywhere.

PM'd his cell # to you. Let him know I sent you.....
FYI, July 18 is also DC410's carp jam. Could conflict. I for one want to try and do both.

Carp Jam, Fish and Chips...tough choice. I'm not sure I could do both though...

Volksnurse wrote:
Carp Jam, Fish and Chips...tough choice. I'm not sure I could do both though...


Waaayyyy too much hair to be you. :cool:


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Heritage-Angler wrote:

Waaayyyy too much hair to be you. :cool:

Nah, mines just all on my back.

Gonna wait and see what the date ends up being before I deside. Trico's will still have some time....
I talked to Dave today and he said either of the next two weekends would be good. He said he is away for the first few weeks of August. I can't do the weekend of 24th but either of the next two weekends works. I know it would be quick planning but maybe next Saturday would be best. Dave did say the Trico's are going strong already.
Either w/e works for me
Anyone else have a preference on the date?