2014 October Caddis Summit recap

This was a pleasure to read about and it seems like an excellent trip. That brookie in post #7 has some great color to it.

Good stuff.
Skybay will post a video, I'm sure!

I would encourage you all to take advantage of pre-spawn Fall fishing. Your window is closing fast!!! The mountains and the fish are simply stunning this time of year.
The look on Nightstalker's face as he gazes at those little gems in wonderment seems to say, "What am I doing catching bait?" I'll bet he went straight home and put a streamer on that was bigger than any of those brookies and starting tossing it through some good spots on his local limestoner.
Skybay, that debris flow at the old bridge is really something isn't it?
Looked good' nuf to eat! So I did...had me some sushi & beer!
Those brookies hit that mouse pattern in your avatar, right?
I had two brookies and one brown big enough to take the mouse...they all short hit the stinger hook larger streamers. I did get one bow 13-14" on a large streamer. The little brookies would need to act like piranha to take a mouse.
They are land locked sharks! I had a few "dinks" swat at my size 10 october caddis haha!
Well, here we are. As I do my best to sync my routines back to the mundane normality of the work week I find myself drifting back to thoughts of a perfect trip to God's Country.

I'd like to first thank our hosts for their generosity and hospitality. It is because of this that a good foundation was laid to support this truly incredible experience.

The scenery, fishing, and company made this an unforgettable adventure. Sure, we almost lost Skybay, but no man would be left behind. There was the speeding ticket, but that could easily have been caused by pure adrenalin and a tired heavy foot resting wearily upon the pedal. Then there was the gas chamber effect caused by roasting jalapeños. While typically these experiences would be best described as short of pleasant I found them all to be small parts to a bigger picture that amounted to an amazing experience topped with hilarious moments and memories that will last a lifetime.

Fishing Cross Fork and Kettle Creek with Wetfly was an honor and even without the success we had I would have still been blessed to have the chance to do so.

Despite all my offerings and efforts to woo her, Pine was not as willing to give up the goods on our first date. She left me with a healthy chub but the rest, for now, will have to remain a mystery.

As Andy has stated in his recap, I did explore a little sleeper somewhere around the town of Coudersport. I won't be the one to "spot burn" this little gem nestled in its dense canopy nor am I one to kiss and tell. I can, however, hint to the fact that I may have seen some of what lies hidden, only to be discovered by those with a willingness to push through jungle like conditions and deliver an accurate cast in tight quarters that seem to work against every movement of rod and line. My unofficial guide, Brutus, could attest to some of the healthy-sized spotted gold that darted past us as we trodded rather clumsily upstream. Try as I did, even my best casts fell short of finding their mark and I left defeated but satisfied.

To sum things up, I would gladly relive those four days I spent exploring the mountain waters of Potter County. It is the comradery and fellowship found in a trip like this that makes being alive have value and I can say with confidence that God was surely smiling upon His country on those days while we immersed ourselves in all it's wonderful intricacies.

I will try to get a few of my photos uploaded shortly.
Holy crap, I can't believe Brian's car knew how to go anywhere other than the Connie. Good job on getting him more than 10 miles from home. LOL. Dave and I will try to get w night stalker appearance on the D n 2015.

Beautiful up there and looks like everyone had fun.

A five minute drive to the Letort is about my limit. Big Spring is a major event at 30 minutes.

The D would be sweet.
Chris I bet that stream was low and clear. Very tough for tiny streams, but you saw what's in there.... I fished it in June of 2013 2 or 3 times in one week, and all week was drizzly and overcast. I had some awesome catches.

very nice.

what was the creek with the cliff there ? - always a good place to fish in my experience.

you might need a bigger cabin next year Squatch ;-)
I'm assuming it's either Kettle or Pine. I wasn't on the cliff section, but knowing the other streams we fished, those are the only 2 that would have that kind of structure and deep water.
As per a bigger cabin next year....we got 3 sofas yet, a few benches and a table, and a yard big enough for 4 or 5 tents ;-)

Plus Biker sleeps in his truck (guard dog)
Sounds like it was fun, I've been debating coming the last 2 years but schedule didn't work out.
Photo dump from Biker Fish!







Thanks for posting those up Andy! I had a great time, the fishing was good, the weather held out, and the company couldn't be beat!
Nice pics. Cabin looks like a really nice place.