2012 Eastern PA Flyfishing Instructional Jamboree



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
Link to the 2012 Eastern PA Flyfishing Instructional Jamboree (Newbie Jam) in the Events Forum.
Do you need to register?
No registration necessary. Hope to see you there!

Thanks so much for setting this up! Truly appreciate it!
just a bump for new members perusing this board.
How about an idea of what to bring...

Weight & length of rod?
PA fishing license?

67 and cloudy forecast at this point... water proof jacket?
auriemma wrote:
How about an idea of what to bring...

Weight & length of rod?
PA fishing license?

67 and cloudy forecast at this point... water proof jacket?

Well, that depends if you want to fish afterwards. We'll be on special regs waters in the afternoon, so you can certainly fish if you want to. Bring your gear!

Honestly, any trout rod will work there. My usual choice is an 8 1/2' 5 wt.

Rods for the casting instruction will be provided, but if you want to use your own, feel free.

As for flies - I fished there last Saturday. Saw midges, BWO's, small tan caddis, and yellow cranefllies on the surface. If you have the subsurface immitations of them as well, you should be set. I'd also add scuds, cressbugs, sucker spawn, and woolly buggers. Terrestrials are also out and about.

Oh yeah - it's always a good idea to have a waterproof jacket at any PAFF event. ;-)

Yep. For morning, hopefully it'll be a combination of inside and out. But really, you don't have to bring anything but yourself for that. If you wish to bring a rod for casting practice, feel free, set it up flyless for typical lawn casting. If not, there will be some rods available, but it'll probably be a take turns type of situation.

We cannot fish at the location itself, its outside of the special reg zone I believe, so no lines on the water, and that kind of defeats the purpose of wading anyway, so no waders necessary.

For the afternoon, there will be groups splitting off to go fishing. If you want to join, bring the fishing gear, including waders. I defer to Ed on flies.
About how far is the actual wild lands conservancy from the special regs? Just wondering( yea I know I can look it up but I'm working on a phone here. Gimme a break!)
This breaks my heart, but I do not think I can make it this year.....
IdratherbePhishing wrote:
About how far is the actual wild lands conservancy from the special regs?

It's only a couple hundred yards away - as the crow flies.

Actual driving time, about 5 minutes.
thebassman wrote:
This breaks my heart, but I do not think I can make it this year.....

We'll just have to make plans to get out and fish again. :-D
Just checked the weather forecast for Emmaus for this Saturday - High of 56, 70% chance of rain. While that is still a couple days out and leaves some room for change, I'm assuming that this is a rain or shine event?

I'd guess so for the morning classes and whatnot, and as far as fishing - the two best times for fishing? Is whun it's rainin', an whun it ain't!
Accuweather says a high of 65, and a chance of showers. There isn't even any amount of precipitation predicted.

National Weather Service says showers likely, mainly in the afternoon.

Bring a rain jacket - this is a PAFF event, after all. ;-)
Oh I'll fish in a monsoon, no worries there. Just making sure I wouldn't be all by myself! See you Saturday!
Rain is real, not just a shower. We could get well over an inch out of it.

The question is timing. Current models have it sunny through lunchtime on Sat., mid 50's warming to mid 60's, so like the beginning of a nice warm day. Then clouds start rolling in during early afternoon, limiting the continued warming. Rain starts around dinnertime, gets steadier, goes pretty much all night, fading to showers sometime Sunday.

That could be moved up, or back, by 12 hrs or so between now and Sat., and that'd make all the difference for our purposes.

Weather channel plays it safe and tells you everything is coming as early as it COULD come, then will move it back as things become more certain. Accuweather takes a different approach, and throws "showers" over the whole period where it may happen, when the reality is that it will be "steady rain" for only part of that period. I hate that none of them just tell you the truth "here's what we know, here's what we don't".

Hit "animate". Page automatically updates at midnight and noon. Date at top left, 0z means starting at midnight, 12z means starting at noon. Then hrs is time from that point.

So as I post, it's showing the 12z on the 21st. Thus 72 hrs would be noon on Sat.
What should one bring to the instructional jamboree besides a rain coat?
For the morning session, only yourself is necessary. We're hoping to be inside and out, so dress appropriately. If you want to bring a setup, feel free. There is casting instruction, and there will be setups available, but bringing your own perhaps prevents you from having to wait for availability, plus gives you the advantage of practicing on your own equipment.

For the afternoon, we'll be going fishing. If you plan to take part, bring your fishing gear.