2009 SE PA Trico Summit - August 2, 2009

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I picked 50/50. I always go with others when steelheading. Cuts down on costs of driving and tolls, and if I'm in a croud, better to be with friends. Stocked streams I try to bring people with me, especially the few guys I've taught to fly fish the past 2 years. I sometimes skip out of work, or hit a stream after work and if it's a short trip I'll go alone. I almost always go to my wild trout streams alone too. Close to 50/50, but maybe 60/40 with a group compared to alone.

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My girlfriend is an avid angler, so she usually comes with. If I leave her behind while I fish, she usually isn't too happy.

And if the girl ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
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I picked 50/50

When I started flyfishing I didn't know anyone else who did, so for a long time I fished alone. Then I met a guy who was the ace fisherman of Clarks, he loved Penns Creek, he taught me alot about both places and about flyfishing.

Then when I started coming to this web site, I meet Pad, Maurice, TimB, Tony, JF and many, many more!

It's been a great ride!

So I enjoy fishing with other people!

Ps, I met and fished with Squaretail, the other day, another nice guy!

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I fish mostly solo. I think that's part of fly fishing. However, there are times that I fish with friends and like it as well. When I fish with friend I typically stay close to them and fish less water, subsiquently catching less fish. When I fish alone I'm more aggressive, cover a ton of water, and catch more fish.

I think it's a fair trade off though.
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Fishing with a friend is great... Until you give him your magic fly and he outfishes you! :-D
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"Fishing with a friend is great... Until you give him your magic fly and he outfishes you! "

You think that's bad! One night on the Connodoguinett, PaulG caught the biggest smallmouth either of us had ever seen, on a rod I made, a leader I tied, and using a pattern I made up and tied for him!
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I remember that well, I loved every minute of it!

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Mostly solo as most of my fishing is spur of the moment in the evening. I prefer to fish with family/friends.
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Solo. Anyone who would go fishing with me isn't worth fishing with. :-D
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Gone with friends a few times, prefer not to.

Mostly its convienence, I want to move at my own pace without worrying about them already being there. Less noise, less distirubance, and less problems... Fly fishing is, more or less, a solo game. Bringing a buddy just means you gotta wait for them before you can move on.
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Fish all solo, not by choice. Nobody I know fishes except my older son(10) and he don't like trout fishing. I would fish with friends if I had any that fished.
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All PAFF members, family, and friends are cordially invited to join us for the 2009 SE PA Trico Summit on the Little Lehigh.

This event will be held on Sunday, August 2 at 7AM.

Due to the nature of fishing the Trico spinner fall, and the desire of many members to have a "mini Jam" that they don't have to make a multi-day committment to, a central location in the state (ie. Spring Creek) was deemed impractical. Therefore, the event will be held on the banks of the Little Lehigh, providing good access to anglers from two of the three largest metropolitan areas in the state.

We'll meet in the parking lot off of Park Rd at 7AM, and there should be plenty of room for everyone to fish. The Tricos on the Little Lehigh have been providing outstanding fishing for a few weeks now, and there should be plenty of rising fish.

For those members that have never fished a Trico spinnerfall before - we'll try to pair you up with an experienced fisherman to help you out.

Waders are a good idea, but wet wading is an option (if you can stand the cold water). I'll have a case of spring water on ice in my truck, but it would be a good idea to carry some with you. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the Allentown Parkway system.

After the fishing we'll be heading out to do lunch.

No sign up required - just show up by 7AM.

DIRECTIONS -just right click twice on the parking lot and choose your option. http://bit.ly/arUKP

FOR MORE DETAILS - please follow the thread in the PAFF forum. http://bit.ly/Nf4rk

Picture by onemorecast
Great stuff Dave. The photo contest drew some top caliber pics and the winners are - of course - beautiful. There are some talented photographers on this site who know a great scene and how to "catch" it when they see it. Kudos to Tom F and all those who submitted photos. I've enjoyed looking at all of them.
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All great pix and I'm sure it was hard to pick a "winner". They all seem to capture the essence of fly fishing in PA...
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Excellent. I like the frames. You need to teach me how to do that Dave. Congrats to the winners and honorable mentions.
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WOW !!!! Great job guys. Those could be the cover shots on any magazine.
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Very well deserved. There were many good photo's in the contest. Glad we had this. It really opens up the photography skills of some of the individuals on this site. Can't wait for the calendar!
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Those three deserve to be winners....great photos from a lot of perspectives...congrats guys...
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