20 & smaller



Active member
Jan 13, 2012
So I'm figuring on fishing more on top nowadays and was wondering if you all would share some pics of your favorite dries in this size range. Here are my first attempts at some tricos. Hit me with your best shot I can take it. Don't forget the recipe :)


I do appreciate all help in my new found endeavor.
A size 24 Griffith's Gnat.
all from 22-32


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Nice flys guys. Too small for me. Even with my Clarke Kent glasses on I can't see those little guys. Maybe I need to get different glasses.

Jack, I know I have been out of town for a few weeks, but when I left you were fishing size 10 nymphs now size 20 and smaller dry flys. We need to talk.

Yeah he went over to the wrong side.
I think that week he fished with dryflyguy and watched Bill catch 100 or so trout changed Jack. Oh well !
Wow, thanks for the patterns Bob. Bill was taking fish (a lot)when there was very little coming off ( right at the beginning) times that I previously ignored. I tried to resist but like Anakin I lost the fight, and am going to the dark side. :). I realize it's going to take a lot time to get where Bill is if that ever happens. That man know his way around a dry let me tell you. Getting a new rig just for dries tells me I'm going to be looking to fish dries much more. It's so slow there was a learning curve for me, sessions in the back yard gave me a handle on it though. And I'm feeling good about how things are going both right and left handed, across body and both sides of the clock. Have no fear Roger the nymphs wont be collecting dust anytime soon. Yes, Bill definitely opened my eyes that week.
Size 26 midge.




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Jack here go nuts !


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For midges I just use a black thread body tapered in the shape of a midge and a few strands of dubbing for wings/legs. I tie them in size 18-26. Don't have any on me at the moment so no pic. Can float them if you want and they will catch fish that way but I usually do better when they sink a few inches below the surface.

I don't have any other dries that are smaller than 20 so afraid I can't help you there but looks like Sandfly has you covered.
I agree with BrookieChaser little Griffith Gnat when fish are eating little flies I don't think you need any other fly . Sandfly you are creating a monster with those pics. Jack step back and take a deep breath

Roger, I met Jack on spring the other day where he was teaching me to czech nymph. In the span of 45 min while I was trying it on my own, Jack landed 7 on dries.

It is indeed a new monster.
I carry Griffith's - black and peacock. A few colors of ostrich herl dries - olive and black. And numerous midge patterns - black, adams, white, brown, olive and yellow. All size 20-22. I just cant see myself tying or fishing with anything smaller than a 22. They catch alot of fish but dont last long until the hook bends or breaks or they fall apart.
Brian I think it is too late just let nature take its course
wonder what's going to happen when he discovers wet flies !
name change to lv2nymphbutlikestodry.

Just a suggestion:

Compare your ties (which are very good first attempts) to Sandfly's Trico spinner in his second picture. Bob's wings are sparser. I always found sparse wings on Trico's more acceptable to the fish.
whheff wrote:
Size 26 midge.


Bill next time we get together, remind me to steal/borrow some of these. They look great!