10 patterns



New member
Dec 27, 2006
Lets just say you wanted to have an emergency fishing kit in your truck, for those "I can't take it anymore I'm going fishing in the nearest stream" stuations during the day. Or that " but I cross the stream on my way home, I'll just fish for one hour and than be home, I promise", times. I'm thinking 10 or so proven patterns to keep in my truck in a small pack behind my seat with one pole and my old waders. Minimum gear because lets face it people steal things from vehicles. Which patterns would you pick. I suppose it could change from season to season i.e. Spring, summer etc.
If I couldn't change them season to season:

Blue Wing Olives
Royal Wulffs
Elk Hair Caddis
Griffith Gnats
Pheasant Tails
Gold Ribbed Hares Ears
Wooly Buggers
Partridge and Oranges (and assorted colors)
Big deer hair ant
Parachute adams
Elk hair caddis
Beadhead PT on scud hook
Pink Squirrel
Hare's ear nymph
Hares Ear Parachute
Smaller stimulator
Wooly Bugger
Mole and Starling soft hackle.

Then, I'd have each one in 6 different sizes and 9 colors and (for the sinking stuff) 3 different weights. And 35 of each, mind you...:)
BH Wooly Buggers
Elk Hair Caddis
Tent Wing Caddis
GR Hare's Ear Nymph
Sponge Spider (might be a bluegill pond)
Bead Head Caddis
Peeking Caddis
My Black Gnat pattern

And unless every piece of water between here and wherever it is I'm going is frozen...its always in the car.
I think it's cheating to avoid specifying size and color. After all, this is the EMERGENCY fly box. It's gotta be small. I fish Clarks Creek a great deal, and I am accustomed to fishing to fishing smaller dries (although not midges)

Bivisible 18
Orange Ant 18
Adams parachute 18
Partridge and Orange 16
Elk hair caddis (tan) 16

White wooleybugger 8
Da Woim 14 (A chamois san juan worm... I'd carry half a dozen of these)
Rusty Spinner 16
Royal Wulf 16
Sulphur Dun 16
Pheasant tail 14

I'd carry 4x and 5x, a pair of scizor pliers, some Loon High & Dry floatant/dessicant, some Loon soft lead.

Beyond the tackle, some insect repellent, a bottle of water and a good flashlight (I am a firm believer in fishing until the bats chase you off the stream... in fact I usually catch most of my fish when the bats are out)
I'd add a change of clothes to the list and a rain jacket. Nothing worse than driving home nekkid on a cold night. They give you funny looks at the drive thru as well
And I think it's cheating when you try to sneak in 11 flies, Padraic ;-)!

I agree it makes it more of a challange to specify sizes, but he did just say patterns. Maybe the best way to look at it is that you have a 10 compartment fly box, 1 compartment for each pattern, so you can have various sizes, or stock up on one size.

I knew you would include bivisibles, Da Woim, and orange ants! The rusty spinner was a good one. You don't want to be left hanging if there's a good spinner fall, especially if you're going to be fishing in the evening after work.
Olive Henryville #14
Gray Henryville #16
Tan Henryville #18
Solid White Spinner #14
Solid White Spinner #18
White Bodied Adams #14
White Bodied Adams #18
White Bodied Midge #22
Taps NearNuff #12
White Bodied Wet #14
Gray Pantone Marker
Olive Pantone Marker
Tan Pantone Marker
Yellow Pantone Marker
Black Pantone Marker
Brown Pantone Marker
why comprimise? just do what i do. I have a Yakima box on top the old jeep with everything in it. Should steelhead start running up the yough i'll pull out the 8wt. the only downer is to remember to bring your waders in the night befor a winter trip.

It is painful (and difficult) to put on frozen waders.
The vehicle also smells slightly less offensive since i been keeping my stuff top side.

Here's my list. Emergency entails any kind of water for any species.

Black cone head bugger
deer hair caddis (tan, black, green your choice)
large ugly popper
bead head hairs ear nymph
bead head phesant tail
sucker spawn
clouser minnow

that should cover just about anything any where at any time.
Festus has it down. Tie light colored flies in different sizes and fly types and color them with Pantone markers. I keep a bunch of markers in my vest. One thing to add, keep a pair of scissors with you and you can “sculpt” the fly into different stages or types. You can make a parachute or catskill fly into a spinner by trimming wings and hackle, trim wing for an emerger, trim hackle on one side for a cripple, etc. You should be able to come up with a decent imitation of dozens of hatches.

Think about this too, why do we all buy thread, dubbing, feathers, etc in dozens of colors when we have markers to color them? Markers can also be used to make flies multicolored, barred, spotted, etc. rather than one color.
Parachute adams
Foxee clouser
Black bugger
Gartside softhackle streamer
Hen and flash soft hackle
Foam beetle
Green weenie
Pheasant tail nymph
Robber fly
Festus - What size "Pantone Markers" should I tie?
#16 parachute adams
#14 light cahill
#14 tan cdc caddis

#14 BHPT
#18 BHPT
#16 GRHE

#18 zebra midge

#14 green weenie
#14 red san juan worm
#14 pink globug

#12 worn out black pumas w/ mildew stench

misc gear:
hemostats, gink, split shot wheel.

I used to keep a rod in my car, but no more. I just might go buy a cheapie for just this purpose.
aw damnit. i forgot an ant. ugh.

umm.... crap.

i guess take the sjw out and put a #18 black foam ant into the mix.
crap again. there's no bugger.

take the cahill out (the caddis can fish light colored mayflies i guess).

put a black bugger in there instead.

this is hard.
I would have to add some flies to my normal box to get up to 10 patterns.
Oh here we go with the poor JackM has no flies pitch again. Lets see...if you don't count the Zoo Cougar that is now trout jewelry, You should still have at least eleven different patterns, from the swap,in your box. :lol:
The Green Wooly Bugger is gone as is the Picket Pin.
adams parachute
goddard caddis
beetle - peacock underbody, orange foam body
Tom's cricket
icsi midge
Mathhew's X-caddis
Lightning bug
green weenie

furled leader, 5x tippet, biostrike, weight putty, flaotent/dessicant, forceps w/ scissors, 7 1/2' 4wt
hmm. goddard caddis, eh? I've tied a dozen of them as an exercise in spinning deer hair long time ago. never fished them. that reminds me....