10 ft 7wt



New member
Feb 3, 2010
Good day
I picked up a 10 ft 7 wt outfit at the fly-fishing show in summerset nj this past January.
What I would like to know is this overkill or should this work out ok for Bass / prickrel fishing. I have a few small lakes I can fish.
I was thinking that the longer length would help with the bigger deer hair bugs as well as big wooly buggers and the likes.
Any commits
Thank you
I think it should work great. Let us know how you do.

One caution about a long rod. If you don't get a reel that balances that length, it can feel "tippy". That's to say, when you speed up and stop and the end of the backcast and forecast, the rod will pull in your hands.

And of course, you want to be careful to keep your cast from getting "wristy".
Great for steelhead too.
A long, 7WT rod is very versatile and will cover well most bass and pickeral situations. If you're not accustomed to long rods, be careful landing fish. With the extra length, it's tempting to try and swing the fish up out of the water to your hand. This is a very good way to bust a rod tip.
Your 7WT should see a lot of action across PA for a variety of fish.
though they are generally considered "steelhead" rods, I have an Orvis TLS 10' 7Wt I purchased specifically for fishing the Susky, as I'm a wading angler and need a little extra reach, but it's also become my choice for float-tubing in larger stillwaters for the same reason. they're a great all-around rod for big water when overhead clearance isn't an issue and where you'll need to make longer casts.
I bought an 11'3" 6wt switch with the intention of using it overhanded. I've used it extensively for bass in rivers and lakes and one outing to the surf.

Before that, I had a 10' 5wt I've used for trout and bass in streams, rivers, and lakes.
Generally speaking, you will have more control over the line, and be able to cast further with a longer rod. The WT rating provides a guide for how heavy of a bug you can toss with the rod/line combo.

Of course, there are many factors that can a affect control and distance, but I've found the aforementioned concepts to be applicable to my circumstances.

Good choice on your rod!