Tiadaghton Campground


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Is the road to tiadaghton campground open? And is camping still allowed with a permit?
You should call PA DCNR/Forestry:

Contact DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry

Rachel Carson State Office
Building, 6th Floor
P.O. Box 8552
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552
Phone: 717-787-2703
Is the road to tiadaghton campground open? And is camping still allowed with a permit?
The road is open, it’s a bit rough and I’d recommend that you have some ground clearance on whatever vehicle you use.

Since the mass influx of people camping in the state forest, forestry has now made most of its campsites reservable. Use this link Here

If you have questions, call the Tioga state forest office. I doubt Harrisburg would be able to be much help.
The road is open, it’s a bit rough and I’d recommend that you have some ground clearance on whatever vehicle you use.

Since the mass influx of people camping in the state forest, forestry has now made most of its campsites reservable. Use this link Here

If you have questions, call the Tioga state forest office. I doubt Harrisburg would be able to be much help.
thanks for the help. would like to spend about three days there biking and fishing.
I just made reservations and it cost $16 a night. $10 + $6 in fees. If you end up getting a free permit, let me know. We're floating from Ansonia to Blackwell and camping there overnight.
Is the road to tiadaghton campground open? And is camping still allowed with a permit?
I just made reservations and it cost $16 a night. $10 + $6 in fees. If you end up getting a free permit, let me know. We're floating from Ansonia to Blackwell and camping there overnight.
They no longer issue free permits and haven't for several years. What you posted is correct. Also the road down is supposed to be for day use only, no over night parking. If you intend to camp overnight, you are supposed to bike, canoe/kayak, raft, or walk into the campground from the Darling Run or Blackwell access areas.
They no longer issue free permits and haven't for several years. What you posted is correct. Also the road down is supposed to be for day use only, no over night parking. If you intend to camp overnight, you are supposed to bike, canoe/kayak, raft, or walk into the campground from the Darling Run or Blackwell access areas.
You are permitted one vehicle per camping permit.
I could never get her to answer or return my calls… I’ve also e-mailed DCNR serval times and never got a response 🤷‍♂️
Its been so many years since ive been there i cant remember. Now that im retired i would like to go and spend a few days there. Thanks for the replies ill check next week and try to get ahold of someone.
I just made reservations and it cost $16 a night. $10 + $6 in fees. If you end up getting a free permit, let me know. We're floating from Ansonia to Blackwell and camping there overnight.
may i ask who you contacted?
All dcnr reservations for campsites are online now, I dont think any of the district offices will make a reservation for you. This changed when they started charging for all rustic, roadside sites 2 years ago.
You are permitted one vehicle per camping permit.
Really? Years ago, vehicles were not allowed to be in there overnight, which kept a lot of riffraff out of there. Apparently that must have been changed when they implemented the new system.
Really? Years ago, vehicles were not allowed to be in there overnight, which kept a lot of riffraff out of there. Apparently that must have been changed when they implemented the new system.
Yes, there is a sign in the parking lot that states that overnight parking is limited to one vehicle per camping permit.

It’s been that way for several years or more.