State Game Lands #180 beaver pond?


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
I'm wondering if anyone remembers the little beaver pond that was located on SGL 180 in Pike county back in the 70's? Going North on Rt 739 you would make a right turn into the game lands on a dirt road and it was on the right side, just before the shooting range that was there at the time. I believe that range is no longer, and I'm sure this pond is gone as well. The pond was fed by a small trickle of stream, who's name I don't recall. I don't know that I ever knew it's name.

Anyway, this little pond was LOADED with natives, mostly on the smaller side, which you might expect, with the occasional 9" fish. I do recall seeing the beaver that called this pond home once in a while, which was very cool. This pond is where I actually first got interested in fishing for native brookies, which prompted me to buy the book Squaretail, one of my first trout fishing books. I'm hoping there's a slim chance of someone remembering this little gem that I have fond memories of.
I'm wondering if anyone remembers the little beaver pond that was located on SGL 180 in Pike county back in the 70's? Going North on Rt 739 you would make a right turn into the game lands on a dirt road and it was on the right side, just before the shooting range that was there at the time. I believe that range is no longer, and I'm sure this pond is gone as well. The pond was fed by a small trickle of stream, who's name I don't recall. I don't know that I ever knew it's name.

Anyway, this little pond was LOADED with natives, mostly on the smaller side, which you might expect, with the occasional 9" fish. I do recall seeing the beaver that called this pond home once in a while, which was very cool. This pond is where I actually first got interested in fishing for native brookies, which prompted me to buy the book Squaretail, one of my first trout fishing books. I'm hoping there's a slim chance of someone remembering this little gem that I have fond memories of.
I'm gonna guess that anyone on here who's old enough to remember as far back as the 70's is too senile to remember much of anything.
Gamelands are definitely a source of fishing opportunities. Many have ponds maintained to attract waterfowl that offer good fishing. Maybe not for trout, but often enough panfish and bass.
Re. Post #2 -- You must be right. I can remember some things from the '60s and'70's, but my wife tells me I'm senile because I don't remember the important things from way back when.

And, hey, you'll get old someday, too! 🙂
I'm gonna guess that anyone on here who's old enough to remember as far back as the 70's is too senile to remember much of anything.
That was funny. Or at least I think it was funny but can't remember why.
Re. Post #2 -- You must be right. I can remember some things from the '60s and'70's, but my wife tells me I'm senile because I don't remember the important things from way back when.

And, hey, you'll get old someday, too! 🙂
Every wife of an old guy: "How many times are you going to tell that same story/joke, anyway?"
Re. Post #2 -- You must be right. I can remember some things from the '60s and'70's, but my wife tells me I'm senile because I don't remember the important things from way back when.

And, hey, you'll get old someday, too! 🙂
Define old.
Mrs. Salmo to Salmo, "You can remember 36 steps in tying a fly, but forget bread when going to the store to buy 3 food items!"
Mrs. Salmo to Salmo, "You can remember 36 steps in tying a fly, but forget bread when going to the store to buy 3 food items!"
... or can't remember why you went down to the cellar (typically forgetting what you wanted from deep freeze).
Re. Post #2 -- You must be right. I can remember some things from the '60s and'70's, but my wife tells me I'm senile because I don't remember the important things from way back when.

And, hey, you'll get old someday, too! 🙂
When was way back when? Or don't you remember?
Re. Post #2 -- You must be right. I can remember some things from the '60s and'70's, but my wife tells me I'm senile because I don't remember the important things from way back when.

And, hey, you'll get old someday, too! 🙂
I can remember my grandfather pushing me in a stroller when I was 2 in the mid 50's but I now go to the grocery store and buy $100 worth of food but forget the one thing I went for.