Pine creek near Bellefonte


Sep 21, 2024
Pittsburgh, pa
Was talking to a buddy and he mentioned he had a condo near Bellefont on Pine Creek. We talked about fishing it, and I have checked the maps and cant seem to find a Pine Creek near Bellefont. Anyone have an idea of where he is talking about?
He probably meant Spring Creek.

People often get stream names confused.
Try googling Pine Creek Centre County PA. I'm thinking the closest Pine Creek to Bellefonte is maybe 20 miles away but is in Centre County.
Dear Roofin' Trouter,

That's what I was thinking, but that is nowhere near Bellefonte. It's down off Route 45 near Woodward and flows into Penns Creek at Coburn.


Tim Murphy 🙂
Mr. Murphy,
Yep, has to be close to 20 miles. But, I've heard people say they have camps/ cabins close to whatever exit they get off the highway before hitting the back roads. Bellefonte exit is where some people coming off I-80 some maybe most get off so it is a possibility.
You're talking about Pine that is a trib to Penns, right? If so, I don't think there is a whole lot of open water/access there, dude.

There’s an extreme upstream section that is on public land - State Forest I believe. Fished it one year Thanksgiving weekend. It fished really well, but everything I caught looked to be a stocker! Weird.

Down in the valley I think you’re right. Posted.
Yes that one is it, thank you Tim and Roofin Trouter. Anyone have experience fishing there?
Dear Ggrove,

I've only even fished it, and only briefly much further upstream in the Bald Eagle State Forest well above Route 45 and Woodward. It used to be stocked around Route 45, I know that from my cousin who had a HS buddy whose family had a camp on it. They always enjoyed opening day, and the first few weekends, but that was 30 years!

I understand that as it gets closer to Penns it gets to be private and posted. I imagine if your friend has friends down there it would be worth exploring as it is a significant tributary to Penns Creek.

If you don't fish it there are plenty of other places close by to explore. It's a beautiful area of the State.


Tim Murphy 🙂
You're talking about Pine that is a trib to Penns, right? If so, I don't think there is a whole lot of open water/access there, dude.
He has waterfront property that supposedly fishes well. Once again where exactly it is, I am not sure. I guess it is in the posted area.
Dear Ggrove,

I've only even fished it, and only briefly much further upstream in the Bald Eagle State Forest well above Route 45 and Woodward. It used to be stocked around Route 45, I know that from my cousin who had a HS buddy whose family had a camp on it. They always enjoyed opening day, and the first few weekends, but that was 30 years!

I understand that as it gets closer to Penns it gets to be private and posted. I imagine if your friend has friends down there it would be worth exploring as it is a significant tributary to Penns Creek.

If you don't fish it there are plenty of other places close by to explore. It's a beautiful area of the State.


Tim Murphy 🙂
Will do. Im hoping to make a trip out of it since I dont get in that part of the state often. Will be a first time there, and probably a first time on Penns.
You're talking about Pine that is a trib to Penns, right? If so, I don't think there is a whole lot of open water/access there, dude.
Agree, I've been over to Pine Creek there. The Feathered Hook has a farmhouse lodge on the road just out of town. The stream is in that area is covers a lot of private land. A nice area to explore if you have some access.
Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Pine is like club/guide water. As DKile mentioned, the Feathered Hook has rights to a stretch.

This is all speculation. I don't know for sure because I've never put the effort into fish it or explore it
Years ago I fished both Pine and Elk. The last time I was there I watched as a person upstream of me, on posted ground started throwing buckets of pellets into the creek to feed all the stocked fish. At first I just saw all the ruckus as trout started feeding like crazy. Then I noticed the person throwing in the feed. I always caught wild Browns but certain areas had Brook Trout too. Then I started catching the occasional obvious stocked Rainbow. Both Elk and Pine are so extensively posted I don't bother anymore. 30 years ago that was not the case. It is the only place I ever was threatened by a landowner with a gun.
Years ago I fished both Pine and Elk. The last time I was there I watched as a person upstream of me, on posted ground started throwing buckets of pellets into the creek to feed all the stocked fish. At first I just saw all the ruckus as trout started feeding like crazy. Then I noticed the person throwing in the feed. I always caught wild Browns but certain areas had Brook Trout too. Then I started catching the occasional obvious stocked Rainbow. Both Elk and Pine are so extensively posted I don't bother anymore. 30 years ago that was not the case. It is the only place I ever was threatened by a landowner with a gun.
Yep. It is another example of a high quality limestone creek posted, stocked, and privatized. I don't begrudge property owners the right to close their land, but it is a sin to dump stockies in and feed them in such perfect wild trout habitat.