How Many Vises Do You Have?

over 40 yrs on my Xuron

3 I started on a griffin then went to a rotary no name vise that the clamps broke, then went to a dyna king.
Apparently you’re not a fishing enthusiast.

This Law vise is listed at $10,000 on EBay just now. The description says that it is an essential tool for any fishing enthusiast. I’m not that much of an enthusiast either.

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I could buy 2500 $2.00 flies, a$1500 rod, a $1000 reel, and a guided week on river of choice in Montana
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Please note spelling, asking about your fly tying hook holders, not about booze and blow 🙂

I have a Renzetti rotary, but thinking of adding in a Regal with midge jaws, just because. I find the Renzettii jaws to be a bit large for smaller flies.

Bigger question, do you have and use more than one vise?
I tie most of the tiny flies on either a Renzetti Presentation 3000 (older model) or the traveler with game changer jaws. The game changer jaws work great with tiny hooks. I like the Dyna King for streamer work. The bulk of my fly tying is done on The Regal Medallion. The Regal is simple to use, no adjustments needed on the jaws, they just grab the hook and hold it better than any other vise that I have tried. The exception to that might be tiny hooks. If not placed in the jaws properly, the hook may shoot out of the jaws like a bullet. I have tried the regal midge jaws and found them less than satisfactory.
Try the game changer jaws on the Renzetti.
I have three:
Renzetti Traveler that is my primary vise
Wolf Industries Apex vise was my primary before the Renzetti
Thompson basic that came with my original fly tying kit that is now buried in the closet.

A Regal and an HMH standard.
So the thread got me thinking, do most prefer the clamp or the pedestal base for a vise? I’ve always used the clamp, but notice in a lot of your pictures the pedestal base.
Larry, this would go nice in your van. You know what? I think you're a pretty cool guy all around. I hope you can make it up this year again. I am actually going to set the date for that pretty soon. Don't worry, we won't remind you then that HopBack's timer for you will then be down to 4 years!! Lol You know I am just busting your stones!
So the thread got me thinking, do most prefer the clamp or the pedestal base for a vise? I’ve always used the clamp, but notice in a lot of your pictures the pedestal base.

My first vise was a fancy Thompson style vise marketed by Orvis with a red plastic covered cam lever. The vise came with a clamp that would only fit on desk tops 1.5" or so thick. At the time I bought it, I really didn't have a dedicated fly tying desk so it was OK as long as I could find a place to clamp.

Later I adopted a cheap POS kid's desk that belonged to my sister as my fly tying desk. This desk had NO PLACE to clamp a vise unless I removed the center drawer so I upgraded to a pedestal Xuron that was my only vise home & away. Its versatility was proven to me time & time again over the years.

For example...

Many moons ago, I'd regularly buy lunch at a little deli on 3rd Street in Boiling Springs, eat it and watch trains along the tracks at the Mountain Road RR crossing. To kill time after lunch and before the Sulphur hatch, I'd flip down the glove box door on my old car, plop that pedisdal vide on the open door and tie flies for an hour or so before heading over to the Letort.

I've also been in many hotel rooms, rental cabins & houses where there was NOWHERE to clamp a vise and sit down to tie flies but a pedestal works ANYWHERE.

When I finally retired that first pedestal vise it was no-brainier for me deciding that both of my next two vises would be clamp-free.