Kings gap hollow

May 10, 2024
Camp hill pa
I was thinking about fly fishing kings gap hollow run, would it be worth it. I know it has brookies and some browns but other than that I don’t really know anything about it. If anybody had information I would greatly appreciate it.
Never been there. Look very nice.
Never fished that one, but have fished some of its neighbors. There’s some wild Trout in the South Mountain/Michaux SF area, but I have never fished a stream I would call “good” in that area. A lot of just “ok” streams, and IMO the best ones are the obvious ones…Mountain/Conococheague/Antietam/etc. There aren’t really any hidden gems in that area.

Kings Gap probably has fish, but it will be tiny. Just a couple square mile drainage. Probably a good one to try out when everything else bigger is blown out high. Otherwise, you’re not gonna have much water to work with.
I was thinking about fly fishing kings gap hollow run, would it be worth it. I know it has brookies and some browns but other than that I don’t really know anything about it. If anybody had information I would greatly appreciate it.
Watch out for brook trout redds hard to spot after the spawn. Basically just don’t walk in that stream until april. Its a very very small trib of the breeches. If I catch brook trout in the winter I leave em underwater in the net when it’s in the 30’s so their gill filaments don’t freeze and kill them. Good luck
Watch out for brook trout redds hard to spot after the spawn. Basically just don’t walk in that stream until april. Its a very very small trib of the breeches. If I catch brook trout in the winter I leave em underwater in the net when it’s in the 30’s so their gill filaments don’t freeze and kill them. Good luck
Yeah I definitly keep the brookies in the water as much as possible during warm days and the cold ones. I would probably just bow and arrow cast from the bank.
Never fished that one, but have fished some of its neighbors. There’s some wild Trout in the South Mountain/Michaux SF area, but I have never fished a stream I would call “good” in that area. A lot of just “ok” streams, and IMO the best ones are the obvious ones…Mountain/Conococheague/Antietam/etc. There aren’t really any hidden gems in that area.

Kings Gap probably has fish, but it will be tiny. Just a couple square mile drainage. Probably a good one to try out when everything else bigger is blown out high. Otherwise, you’re not gonna have much water to work with.
Yes mountain creek is what I would call an ok wild trout stream, definitely can produce some nice brookies and browns but you just have to be in the right section, fishing those small freestoners is my specialty, tight casts and little fish but some brilliant. Colors
Yes mountain creek is what I would call an ok wild trout stream, definitely can produce some nice brookies and browns but you just have to be in the right section, fishing those small freestoners is my specialty, tight casts and little fish but some brilliant. Colors
Mountain above the lake should just not be stocked. Its sad. It could be a lot more than ok.
And do please report back on the ratio of brookies to browns. Last time I fished it was low water so doubt I would have caught many browns if they were present but the brookies were plentiful. That was 2020. I have seen a lot of streams sadly flip brook trout to brown trout just west of me and hope the same fate has not befallen kings gap.
And do please report back on the ratio of brookies to browns. Last time I fished it was low water so doubt I would have caught many browns if they were present but the brookies were plentiful. That was 2020. I have seen a lot of streams sadly flip brook trout to brown trout just west of me and hope the same fate has not befallen kings gap.
Will do
And do please report back on the ratio of brookies to browns. Last time I fished it was low water so doubt I would have caught many browns if they were present but the brookies were plentiful. That was 2020. I have seen a lot of streams sadly flip brook trout to brown trout just west of me and hope the same fate has not befallen kings gap.
is there a particular stretch you recommend?
I kinda hinted at this in my prior post, but, unless you’re used to fishing streams that drain 2 square miles (the OP very well may be), be prepared to be surprised at how small of a stream that makes. Mountain Creek will seem huge compared to this stream.

I’m a small stream specialist too, but that one’s too small for my taste.
I kinda hinted at this in my prior post, but, unless you’re used to fishing streams that drain 2 square miles (the OP very well may be), be prepared to be surprised at how small of a stream that makes. Mountain Creek will seem huge compared to this stream.
Yeah most of the creeks I fish are no wider than 10 feet choked with rhododendron
It’s a tiny stream, I doubt it will have enough water this time of year to make it fishable. Also keep in mind that Saturday is opening day of rifle season. There are areas in kings gap that are archery only but I’m not sure of the exact boundaries.
All of the above. I fished it back in 2021 and found it to be super small and not worth the effort. As mentioned, it doesn't have a large drainage area. Many places on the stream are only a few feet wide, which is exacerbated the further upstream you go. The vista from the environmental center/mansion is quite nice though. It feels like a forever drive up to the top. I dug through my archives, but can't seem to find pictures of that leg of my CV trip that year. But yeah, when it comes to King's Gap and fishing, the juice just ain't worth the squeeze, IMO. Go to the Breeches instead.
I’ve caught a wild looking brookie in another place on the upper breeches once in the winter. I wonder if anyone gets the occasional brook trout in the main stem of the breeches bear where kings gap dumps in?side note for any herps on the forum the vernal pools at kings gap have some cool amphibian life I heard.
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It’s a tiny stream, I doubt it will have enough water this time of year to make it fishable. Also keep in mind that Saturday is opening day of rifle season. There are areas in kings gap that are archery only but I’m not sure of the exact boundaries.
It did just rain so that might help a little but now I’m second guessing myself and will probably just go to upper mountain creek