Upper Delaware HD Stream Survey

The issue always comes down to not enough water bweing released. They hoarded water the entire month of Nov due to 1.5 in of rain below average. Dec and Jan and Feb --- 13 in. Oh no! Cant dump it fast enough. Add in big fluctations of release with no gradual step down does not bode well.for fish on redds and bug life. It is a mismanaged situation.

There is plans of raising the Lehigh dam and NY wants to get involved with planning and $$$. Keep these jackasses out of it
The issue always comes down to not enough water bweing released. They hoarded water the entire month of Nov due to 1.5 in of rain below average. Dec and Jan and Feb --- 13 in. Oh no! Cant dump it fast enough. Add in big fluctations of release with no gradual step down does not bode well.for fish on redds and bug life. It is a mismanaged situation.

There is plans of raising the Lehigh dam and NY wants to get involved with planning and $$$. Keep these jackasses out of it

The way they manage the flows on the Lehigh now is already VERY similar to what you desbribe above on the Upper D.

My understanding was that the project on the Lehigh has been dormant since covid, lets hope it stays that way
Water release is of paramount importance for river health, plant and animal. 250 cfs release of 50 water in the middle of summer is great but 500 cfs of 60 degree water is better. Water = life in that system. Same would apply to the Lehigh. I have not seen the cold water alliance thoughts or data on NY taking over Lehigh management. I'd have to believe more flow = more rapids = higher oxygen levels. At 75°, water can hold only so much oxygen. I would rather see 75° water with a maximum dissolved oxygen levels versus 75° water that's stagnant and has low oxygen levels. I'm not an expert by any stretch but am tossing out things that seem like common sense to me. Once attempts were made on UD and Lehigh to maintain a certain level, fish numbers responded. Bad news is one drought can set you back 10 years