I don't use the Mickey Finn pattern much anymore since there are much better minnow patterns out there now to fool trout, but the video demonstrates how to properly use a rotary vise. Worth watching for that reason alone.
I was 7 when you started tying. 🙂One of the first, if not the first fly I learned to tie back in 1964.
I've caught some stockies and blue gills with them in the past but I rarely fish the Mickey Finn now. I'm at an age where I do more tying than fishing.I am assuming the means you have fished them? How do you do with it? I only recall having caught one trout on it. It was a holdover brown on Middle Creek in Lancaster County up in the wooded section in the dead of winter.
I was only 12.I was 7 when you started tying. 🙂