>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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flat wings for landlocks

Hofland's Fancy

Winged Wet Fly

Tail - Brown
Body - Dark claret floss
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Bittern light or light turkey


Trout - Ray Bergman
Forgotten Flies - Schmookler and Sils
how are you guys getting such clear photos of your small flys? cell phone or DSLR? i tried with my cellphone but every picture is blurry.
how are you guys getting such clear photos of your small flys? cell phone or DSLR? i tried with my cellphone but every picture is blurry.
Fill the frame. That way the camera will focus on the fly, rather than focusing on something either in the foreground or the background.
how are you guys getting such clear photos of your small flys? cell phone or DSLR? i tried with my cellphone but every picture is blurry.
I use my IPhone for all of my photos of flies. Get a decent contrasting background (I generally use a neutral colored piece of craft paper), back off of the fly a bit, hold steady and tap the screen right on the fly to focus in on the fly, while holding steady snap the photo (that’s the challenging part for me). You can crop and edit it a bit in your photo gallery if needed before attaching it to your PAFF post.
how are you guys getting such clear photos of your small flys? cell phone or DSLR? i tried with my cellphone but every picture is blurry.

here is what i wrote on my blog

i am not a professional photographer but i get decent results

From my iphone

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