fly tying station made from scrap wood


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2022
western jersey
i had a lot of scrap wood from previous projects so rather then throwing it away i made this. the bottom is red oak and the sides are pine. the dowels are red oak to hold spools of wire or thread. then drilled holes on the left side to hold tools.

i only set everything up for a picture. i still have to sand the dowel edges and router all the edges. but its solid and holds everything nicely.

I like to be pretty organized in life but my tying station always looks a mess. Even when I clean it up it gets destroyed in no time. I like what you've built.

I know where everything is....most of the time..
I like to be pretty organized in life but my tying station always looks a mess. Even when I clean it up it gets destroyed in no time. I like what you've built.

I know where everything is....most of the time..
Dear jifigz,

I'm with you, but I tie so infrequently that sometimes I grab some muskrat dubbing on my desk only to find out it's a blob of dust!

When I redd the desk up I'm pretty efficient and can usually find what I'm looking for until the next time I tie flies.

To me rooting around for something is part of the charm of fly tying! 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂
i had a lot of scrap wood from previous projects so rather then throwing it away i made this. the bottom is red oak and the sides are pine. the dowels are red oak to hold spools of wire or thread. then drilled holes on the left side to hold tools.

i only set everything up for a picture. i still have to sand the dowel edges and router all the edges. but its solid and holds everything nicely.

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Dear Kyle,

You did a fine job there! Now make a mess of it! 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂
Dear jifigz,

I'm with you, but I tie so infrequently that sometimes I grab some muskrat dubbing on my desk only to find out it's a blob of dust!

When I redd the desk up I'm pretty efficient and can usually find what I'm looking for until the next time I tie flies.

To me rooting around for something is part of the charm of fly tying! 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂
Dear Tim Murphy,

I love how you start every post with "Dear xxxxx,"

I think it's a nice touch. It's polite, well-mannered, and your recognized style on this board. Keep it up because it always makes me smile.


Joshua Hill
Very nice! I envy those of you who can do such nice work.
Dear Tim Murphy,

I love how you start every post with "Dear xxxxx,"

I think it's a nice touch. It's polite, well-mannered, and your recognized style on this board. Keep it up because it always makes me smile.


Joshua Hill
Dear Josh,

If I didn't do that the old heads on this board would think I was sick or something. I've been posting just like this since the late 1990's. It's all I know!


Tim Murphy 🙂
I just sat down to tie a couple flies. Here is my current state of things. Photo cred goes to Maurice for that shot in the background.
i had a lot of scrap wood from previous projects so rather then throwing it away i made this. the bottom is red oak and the sides are pine. the dowels are red oak to hold spools of wire or thread. then drilled holes on the left side to hold tools.

i only set everything up for a picture. i still have to sand the dowel edges and router all the edges. but its solid and holds everything nicely.

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I want one!!!!

When I redd the desk up I'm pretty efficient and can usually find what I'm looking for until the next time I tie flies.
I didn’t know anyone other then my parents used that word! I thought it was PA Dutch. Are you from Lancaster county?
Also, that’s a fantastic looking station! When i read the title I was imagining some plywood or old barn wood 😂. You are talented
Dear TimMurphy,
I also love the way you almost always start your posts with Dear xxxxx,