Youth Fishing Day



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
I am a big fan of the program. However, evidently now adults too are allowed to fish. The only restriction is that they aren't allowed to harvest any trout.

That being said, while in Boiling Springs on Saturday, I couldn't help but notice how many adults were fishing and harvesting fish. Some did have children with them, but there were a number who did not. There were also those leaving with a child and a stringer of four trout. The limit for the child is two.

Some may not think this is such a big deal. I however find it unacceptable. It pretty much gives some two opening days.

What does that teach the children about being responsible citizens and ethical behavior?

That's my rant for today!
I saw many of the same things over my way joe. The local stream got hammered from 8am -730pm it looked like opening day type pressure. Quite a few fish were taken which may lead to some disappointed fishermen this weekend and the regional 'opening day'. I did have my daughter out and we got there around 10:30. We had one long distance release. The fish were spooky and difficult by time we got there. I think this is a good program maybe it needs to be C&R and maybe only one rod for each kid so the parent can help and teach the kiddo.

But here is what it is all about. She had lots of fun. She liked seining and seeing what bugs were in the water.


She wanted to go out on sunday so we headed to the sportsmans club pond and she caught 3 on a slumpbuster. The other two never lost the water as we started teaching c&r and proper fish handling.

Had a great outing with my daughter, hit Ridley creek. The adults were helping all the kids and let the kids move around so everyone got at-least one fish. I did not see one adult fishing for the time we were out. She had to bring home one fish for lunch.


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I took my kids out Saturday, just from about 10:30-12:30. We did not see any other anglers and had to turn around and head home shortly after we got to the first hole with any substantial amount of fish in it (probably the terminus of the float stocking). My kids got to practice some casting and got to reel in a few fish to boot, which were promptly released (albeit maybe a bit more of a bumpy landing, given a kid's ability to land a fish).

Unfortunately, there are adults who will use any excuse to boost their catching, even if it is using kids as pawns. Unfortunately as well, the wrong kind of mentoring is occurring in those situations, and maybe a good life lesson for the kids to learn would be to see their mentor issued a citation for breaking the rules, if indeed they are creeling fish that they catch or the kids don't even have rods.

I think a better setup would be to follow the guidelines established for adults assisting kids - adults can bait and assist with casting, but the kids are the only ones who can actively be fishing. But, I'm afraid if that constraint were put in place, adults wouldn't participate in as high of numbers.

"An adult who assists a child (12 years of age and under) by casting or retrieving a fishing line or fishing rod is not required to possess a valid fishing license provided that the child remains within arms’ reach of the assisting adult and is actively involved in the fishing activity.
An adult may assist a child by baiting hooks, removing fish from the line, netting fish, preparing the fishing rod for use and untangling the line without possessing a valid fishing license. An adult is required to possess a fishing license if they intend to set the hook for the child."
I take my niece and nephew out every year for mentored youth day and they have a blast. Fishing pressure was light on the East Branch of the Brandywine creek and we had one giant hole full of fish all to ourselves. I don't bother bringing a rod for myself. There is absolute not time for me to fish if I'm helping to ensure the kids are having a good time.

I did see several adults fishing with babies which I think is a joke. Definitely abusing the system bringing kids out who cant even walk yet let alone hold a fishing rod. I did see one conservation officer but he was in his truck guarding a recently posted area trying to prevent people from entering the private property I guess.
Report violations to PFBC law enforcement.

joebamboo wrote:
I am a big fan of the program. However, evidently now adults too are allowed to fish. The only restriction is that they aren't allowed to harvest any trout.

That being said, while in Boiling Springs on Saturday, I couldn't help but notice how many adults were fishing and harvesting fish. Some did have children with them, but there were a number who did not. There were also those leaving with a child and a stringer of four trout. The limit for the child is two.

Some may not think this is such a big deal. I however find it unacceptable. It pretty much gives some two opening days.

What does that teach the children about being responsible citizens and ethical behavior?

That's my rant for today!

This is no surprise...a few stupid adults ruin it for everyone! This also happens even more often with the mentored youth hunting! I am going to try to do more video taping and getting vehicle license plates this year.
I too saw some adults who appeared to be fishing, but I didn't look too close.

I agree that such a program would probably be better organized as a C&R event. The kids (mostly) wouldn't mind, parents could instill a conservation and C&R ethic, and the knucklehead men who just want to bring home some fish themselves would be deterred.
I got out with my son and he had success tossing a bugger on the spinning rod. We were not out long, maybe an hour, but we only saw one father fly fishing with his two kids. We released everything, as usual, and I fully support MYD being a C&R affair.


Millsertime wrote:
HopBack wrote:

I did see several adults fishing with babies


Are babies an approved bait? The adults should be reported to CYS.

Probably in technical compliance with the regulation, but definitely not in the spirit of the regulation. It's funny on one hand, but really sad on another that someone has to use a baby as a pawn to be able to catch stocked fish!
Took my 11 yr old nephew out on Jordan Creek in Lehigh County. We encountered several crowded groups in the easily accessible spots. Being a bit older, he likes to go where I can also fish with him, but I spend my time watching and coaching him while rigging up other lures and baits for him to toss once he gets tangled or loses his bait. I too think it should be Catch and Release. Unfortunately we did not bring anything to the net this year. But we had a great time and explored some new water. He still seemed to have fun and was determined to be more self sufficient this year than last. I think it was a good day of learning. I did not see any knuckleheads this year but we were keeping our distance.
troutbert wrote:
Report violations to PFBC law enforcement.

Please do -- WCOs (or DWCOs) can't always be present for every infraction.

That said, if (or when) you do call (or text) please follow one guideline: Do not tell the offender that you will (or have) call(ed) PFBC -- place the call or send a text without comment to the offender. If you warn the offender the responding officer will waste a trip -- the offender will be gone before the officer arrives. Furthermore, when you warn the offender you only affirm what s/he assumed -- they can indeed get away with it.
Millsertime wrote:
HopBack wrote:

I did see several adults fishing with babies


Your just mad you didn't think of it first! Anyone want to rent my child for a few hours and go catch some stockers? :-D
No need to get angry. As Mike puts it "the fish are there to be utilized".

I've thrown mouse flies and gotten some big strikes. I have no idea how to tie a baby pattern but assume it would take more material than I own.
Took my 13 yr old granddaughter out. We had some TU work early and got down to Muddy Creek about ten. The crowds were out at the favorite spots. We found a few quiet places. I gave her some lessons with an open face spinning reel. After a half hour she got quite accurate. Took a lunch break and fished the South Branch in an area that is not stocked. Put a fly rod in her hand for the afternoon. Not many fish but a great time. She made it til three before pooping out. She has a lot of patience. It seems that it may be Granddaughter number two to take to a flyrod.
I took my daughter to Stony Creek and the Clarks creek childrens section. There was noone at Stony, but i saw alot of over-mentoring at Clarks. Saw a guy who was clearly fishing spinners with his own rod while his daughter stood behind him with her pink princess rod, not even rigged up. I think its a good program as well, but needs refinement in the rules and enforcement of the rules.