Your last book on fishing/flyfishing ?



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Jan 11, 2009
Your LAST book on flyfishing ?

There are few of the “last” ones, I do read them simultaneously. (Trout Madness under real John D. Voelker name, Pennsylvania Trout Streams and Their Hatches – Charles Meck,
Fishing the Midge – Ed Koch, Advanced Fly Fishing Techniques – by Lefty Kreh, Nymph Fishing for Larger trout by Charles Brooks, Fishing the Nymph by Jim Quick).

The actually the “last” one I got yesterday in the mail is the “Fishing the Tandem Flies” by Charles Meck – about tactics, techniques and rigs to catch more trout. The book is small (I don’t know why I expected to be the big one :-?), 119 pages.
If some experienced anglers do not find it as a colossal value many from Pennsylvania to Montana rivers and creeks and myself do.
You can find there the killer combo you want to try. Many rigs and suggestions about fishing with a dropper. One small issue: I would like to have the photo part in color.
Maybe this book is small but big in content. It’s a keeper.


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“Fishing the Tandem Flies” by Charles Meck

Executive summary : Patriot and Green Weenie/Blueberry.

I got copy of, The Compleat Angler by Izzak Walton not long time ago from the library of Arthur William Riley 1897-1936 – lecturer in English in Columbia University and Coach of debating in Columbia Collage…! What about that? I haven’t read this entirely yet. The first page of the volume said ESSAYS.

Some time later I bumped somehow on” The Incomplete Angler – Fishing Izaak Walton's Favorite Rivers” by Robert G. Deindorfer, this print from 1977 by Nick Lyons Pub, can’t resist to get this one either. Copy comes with Dorothea von Elbe drawings.


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skybay wrote:
I got copy of, The Compleat Angler by Izzak Walton not long time ago from the library of Arthur William Riley 1897-1936 – lecturer in English in Columbia University and Coach of debating in Columbia Collage…! What about that? I haven’t read this entirely yet. The first page of the volume said ESSAYS.

Yours is nicer than mine, but I paid $4 for mine. :)
I had to go home and check the penciled price on the book, was a surprise to find a book vendor with it for $150 or whatever.

Its sort of a chore to read, because the Englishe is ov a different era, but I really enjoy the look back in time to the genesis of modern fly fishin'.

Executive summary : Patriot and Green Weenie/Blueberry.

Not surprised. I'd actually like to buy this if I found it cheap enough, but having watched the man's seminar I'm not surprised by your summation.
My most recent is the Michael Altizer book, "The Last Best Day," which I reviewed on here previously. Though it has a few problems, including some really careless proofreading errors, it is a good book that deals with fly-fishing, the author's son-father relationship, and Christianity. If you can get it for less than its $40.00 cover price, it is worth it. For those of us who have read myriad how-to books, this is a refreshing step away from those. You must take your time when reading it to fully appreciate it.
On my nightstand now: re-reading "Fishless Days and Angling Nights" by SGH
"The Bright Stream of Memory" by G. Bucknall, 1997 Swan Hill Press. This one is on my once-a-year reading list. The late Bucknall was a Brittish angling historian who, in this book, synthesizes the great flyfishing debates which occurred in the pages of the Fishing Gazette around the turn of the last century. His writing style is conversational and friendly and very enjoyable - like Gordon or Bergman. A passing interest or a background in the players and controversies might increase your pleasure with this one, or the book might stimulate a desire to learn more.

Pritt's book I haven't read yet but, Nemes' book is a very good read. Has an excellent short story in it to boot!
Just finished rereading Vince Marinaro's Modern Dry Fly Code and Ed Koch's Fishing the Midge over the last week. Despite the time passed since publication of the material (1950 and 1972, respectively), I was able to apply lessons long since forgotten while fishing my way across PA this past week. I have had the great fortune of fishing with both men as a teenager. I regret that I did not pay more attention to their teachings.
Just Jon,

Thanks for your response,

You were lucky to meet them; I’m lucky too…I have their books.