young of the year at SRC



Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
Got up to Slippery Rock Creek Friday night. Fished what was left of the whiteflies. Actually saw fish sipping as the light faded. I however, forgot any kind of a flashlight to see where I was stepping so I stayed out of the water.



  • reallysmall1 (640x462).jpg
    reallysmall1 (640x462).jpg
    160 KB · Views: 7
.....absolutely beautiful little smallie
Glad you got into them Turkey. I think I recognize that little patch of sandy mud in the background...
albatross wrote:
Glad you got into them Turkey. I think I recognize that little patch of sandy mud in the background...

I think you know it well Albie! Thank you again. I didn't get into any big fish...I posted this babe because it seemed like a good sign of things to come.

I did talk to 2 kayakers that drifted past me and asked them what they saw. They were on the "far side" of the creek and implored that I wade over to that side, but I didn't want to risk not being able to see my way out...again. Next time I'll bring a light. You'd think I'd know by now.

Also, I had never heard a Great Blue Heron before...I thought that someone was on the far bank messing with me. When I heard it again, a huge heron came gliding past me. Pretty cool.
The herons there are like pterodactyls, they are scary!
THere was one on the Breeches last night that was screaming about 20 yds upstream of me. I apparently crowded him. It was almost dark and there was fog on the water. It was creepy. Also an osprey that was screeching in the lower branches of the tank as it swooped back and forth. I must have been in a good spot.