Yough River Ramcat to Ohiopyle float



Mar 11, 2021
we recently got a 2 man fly craft with hopes of taking it from ramcat to ohiopyle before my old man gets hip surgery in august.. We took it for the first time from confluence to ramcat this past weekend.. i know i’ll need a few more floats under my belt before we do the ramcat-ohiopyle but does anyone know who has floated this stretch if there is a lot of sketchy parts to it or not? i’ve been told it’s an easy float but being new to it everything is pretty sketchy so just wondering if there is any places i need to be on the watch for..
we recently got a 2 man fly craft with hopes of taking it from ramcat to ohiopyle before my old man gets hip surgery in august.. We took it for the first time from confluence to ramcat this past weekend.. i know i’ll need a few more floats under my belt before we do the ramcat-ohiopyle but does anyone know who has floated this stretch if there is a lot of sketchy parts to it or not? i’ve been told it’s an easy float but being new to it everything is pretty sketchy so just wondering if there is any places i need to be on the watch for..
i’ve went through it on my maps and looked at it from there and have been doing my homework on rowing and what now but i was also wondering how far the take out is before the falls from what i’ve read- there is one before the bridge but i assumed there would be more than one in case one is missed
I've done rafting trips( non fishing) on the Upper Yough from Confluence to Ohiopyle twice: once in early summer when the water was a little higher and another time later in summer when the water was lower. In August, especially with a lack of rain this summer, I would imagine the water level will be lower. What this means is that in some of the rapids areas, the water will be low enough that you might have to get out and push yourselves. There will be a lot of flat water stretches. Definitely check out with one of the outfitters in Ohiopyle as to where take out points are. The current gets really swift, as I recall, as much as three hundred yards and maybe more before the falls. You don't want to be messing around if you don't have some muscle onboard. Guys I know who have floated for fishing caught a lot more smallmouth than trout and they were bait fisherman.
Floated that section in an inflatable kayak/duckie years ago and the water was so low we had to drag them over a few stretches.
to the best of my knowledge there is one take out on river left at ohiopyle.
you will also want to ask the rafting companies how to deal with "elephant rock" - which side to pass it etc.
we recently got a 2 man fly craft with hopes of taking it from ramcat to ohiopyle before my old man gets hip surgery in august.. We took it for the first time from confluence to ramcat this past weekend.. i know i’ll need a few more floats under my belt before we do the ramcat-ohiopyle but does anyone know who has floated this stretch if there is a lot of sketchy parts to it or not? i’ve been told it’s an easy float but being new to it everything is pretty sketchy so just wondering if there is any places i need to be on the watch for..