Yough put in's and take out's starting from the Dam near Confluence



New member
Jun 4, 2014
Bethel Park
Hello All, I see that there is the Outlfow campsite right at the dam, and I am assuming that there is a put in for a float boat there. My question is, where are there take out's going away from the dam? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just trying to get a lay of the land since I will be fishing there from what seems to be quite often since it will be about and hour and a half from the area where we will be moving to in September. Thanks again!
The put-in is at Ramcat (39.826811, -79.380026) and the take-out is near Ohiopyle, river left (in this vicinity 39.868758, -79.487321).

There are a lot of other guys on here that have much more experience with boating this stretch than me.

There should be a link on the PFBC's website for the yough river water trail. That will be the most comprehensive list of put ins/take outs.
Yes you can put in at the outflow campground and float the 2 or so miles to a takeout at Ramcat run parking area, or float the entire 12 miles to the takeout just short of the slides and waterfall in ohiopyle.
Thanks Turkey for the gps coordinates. Bearski,I will check out PFBC'S website for the river walk, and thanks dreamsofstreams for the info. The more I learn about the Yough, the more excited I get to fish it.