Yellow Creek



New member
Oct 2, 2006
Has anyone been to Yellow Creek in Bedford Co. lately? I am thinking of hitting it this weekend to check it out with the new C&R regs. Any info would be helpful. :)
I've heard the surface action in the afternoons has been phenomenal, micro caddis and midges. Haven't been over myself ina a few months now.....
I hit yellow earlier this week before all the rain. I fished for only a hour or two but caught about 7-8. At first I fished down stream in the regular section and caught a few natives about 6-8 inches. before I left I hit the FFO and just below the FFO and caught 4-5 more. All were very nice size including two that were 18 inches plus. I caught all of them on suckerspawns. I missed more than I caught. Good luck this weekend because it should be high and cloudy with all the rain over the past few days.