yellow creek



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
while fishing this weekend i received this on my windshield and thought some of you may be interested

dear fishermen and friends of yellow creek,

over the years the yellow creek coalition has worked to protect and enhance the yellow creek watershed. we have worked to maintain public access to these waters . we have constructed a parking lot for fishermenusing the fly project waters, and we have constructed a bridge and access roads to this lot. this year we completed the building of a new bridge and access road . the new road is now open to the parking lot .

all of these things have been paid for by donations from the yellow creek coalition members and from you, the fishing public. now we must pay for the debt incurred to complete the bridge . we must also pay taxes and do maintence on the new road and fly project .
we need your help the ycc is a non profit organization under section 501 c 3 of the irs code. we are asking for a donation on your part to help us to reduce the deb5 that we have incirred . you have been very generous in the past, and we need you to be so again. your donations are a large part of your funding. if you enjoy fishing these waters , please give what you can. we will give you a receipt and, in the case of big donations, written varification. you may use this tax write off on your taxes. your help is vital to our work . lets preserve yellow creek now and for future generations .

another way you can help, besides a donation, is to purchase a ticket and attend the third annual yellow creek coalition pig roast. this years event will be held on june 19, 2010 at ron lundquist's pavilion on jacks corner rd . the cost of a ticket 20$ we will have rod raffles 50/50 tickets and demos this even will be held from 1:00 to 5:00 pm with food being served from 2:00 to 4:30 pm tickets may be had from the following individuals : fred sherlock 814 766 3176 , randy buchanan 814 467 4034, and chuck winters 814 932 8841. for info regardint raffle prizes , directions to the picnic grounds , and lodging go to

fred sherlock president yellow creek coalition
132 mcelwee drive
hopewell pa 16650

ps if you cannot donate today mail a check to the above address
The entire fly project is located on private property (including the parking area) and we should be so lucky that these guys go to so much trouble to keep this open. Fred lives on creek on the lower end of the project.
yellow creek is a great resource for us all and lucky to have open for us the pig roast is a great way to raise money and i can't say enough nice things about fred great guy all around try and make it to the pig roast its worth it
i totally agree. yellow creek is a great stream and we are so fortunate. we need to save it for the public which includes so many people who work so hard to keep it open. If we do not keep supporting the YCC the stream could fall into the wrong hands...not saying any names (spring ridge club)
spring ridge club named now homewaters leases directly below the fly fishing project just to bring into the light
sorry flipnfly...........if i had know this was here i'd have given you the ball , i guess i should look around a little more , did you run into Fred while you were there , we did , he wasn't fishing but said he was the day before , we went tues and wed the 6th and 7th of april.
Fred says the "beave" is now in Colorado driving those folks nuts.
osprey wrote:
Fred says the "beave" is now in Colorado driving those folks nuts.[/quote]

With any luck at all, he'll stay there!

PaulG , from what i hear those folks out there are more used to that type of set up , i mean a pay to fish private set up , aint it great to be here!!
osprey i have never been to yellow creek the flyer ended up on my windshield while fishing in ligonier and i figured that it was a good idea to post it so i did i may attend the event (it gives me a good reason to go fishing afterwards) but i havent decided yet
flip............the 2 days i got to fish YC there were 4 fellows that were there from Ligonier , 2 retired brothers and 2 younger fellows all active TU members so i'm sure some of those pamphlets got passed around , how is the Loyalhanna fishing these days? From memory there was limited access there the last time i was down that way , it's been awhile. I truly believe that if those folks hadn't come up with a solution to the access problem on Yellow Creek we all would have lost a fine stretch of special regs water , by lost i mean that it probably would have ended up in the "beaves" hands and access denied. These folks deserve a medal for pulling this off and any help anyone can give , even a couple of bucks donation , will help to insure future access. They aren't out of the woods yet.
is the stream still posted by the spring ridge club upstream from fly fishing only section?
downstream from the fly fishing section*
Yes it is posted below the Fly section