Yellow Carp or GIANT Palomino?



Aug 10, 2013
Berks/Tioga County
Went to Scott's Run Lake last weekend, yesterday, and today and have seen a BIG yellow fish near the end of the lake on the right side near a small limb. This thing had got to be 10lbs and at least 3ft long. It has a couple of brownish spots on its back. Could it be a trout or is it a carp? It stays near the top which seems like trout but its sooo big that it seems like a carp. Its not brown, it is golden or maybe a white with yellow tint. Any ideas?
Are you trying to be Koi? :-D :-D :-D :-D
Might be a Gefilte Fish
Did you cast at it? Catch it and get a snapshot of it. We would probably have a lot of fun with that not to mention the fun that you would have landing it on a flyrod. Go for it, I'm being serious.
I've seen carp feeding on top in the Missouri out in Montana but they were feeding on berries ,not insects...
By the way they do the same here in a pond in Michigan- they cluster around drain pipes after heavy rains- they aren't all vegetarians as I have a few take no. 2 streamers and worms [oops].lol
Loved the Koi bit.
Carp hang around the surface quite a bit. They will feed on nsects on the waters surface and they seem to really like when a locust hatch occurs. Go and catch the fish.