YB whitefly hatch



Mar 28, 2007
Good Eneving,

Does anyone have any info on when the whitefly will be going on the yellow breeches?
Very scattered and sporadic right now, they should kick in to full swing in about a week or so.
yeah, I ran into a small flurry of them last Weds on the Breeches. Not a full blown hatching into the darkness hatch, but enough to interest some trouts for about 30-40minutes before dark...haven't been back out since.
I saw a small hatch come off yesterday evening. Only lasted a short time.
I'm hoping by next Sunday, it will be in full swing. That's when I can get out. Are the hexs hatching?
Yes, Hexes are hatching around dark. Heard a good amount of light cahills as well in the evening.
Got to fish here Monday night, the whitefly hatch was kind of light. Picked up one fish on a size 12 white wulff. A thinly dressed 16 would have been better.
Its on pretty good. Had some good luck tonight on whitefly emergers and spinners in sizes 12 and 14.
Breeches angler, is the spinner a regular type spinner with creme dubbing?
Pretty much, just make the thorax kind of a darker brown and you should have pretty good fly. Also, try to make the tails a darker cream color. Good Luck
Thx. What about the abdomen? What color? Would a hares ear work?
I would go with either a white or cream dry fly dubbing. Not sure if you have it, but the dubbing called Fine and Dry is a great dubbing.