Yard sale find



Oct 23, 2023
Wifey and I Went to a Yard sale a couple of weeks ago and bought a big box of random fishing and outdoor gear for $30.

After sorting through a lot of junk I did find a few things that maybe useful and are well worth my investment.
PXL 20240611 150123530

There is a bunch of parts that I assume go to to various vices. Does anyone know what this goes to?
PXL 20240611 151159690

There also is a bunch of shotgun chokes and spin fishing lures.
I think that is a dubbing loop spinning tool.
I think your right but I don't understand why it's a heavy brass knob it doesn't seem to be able to attach to anything other than dubbing on the hook.
There must be YouTube videos on how to use this tool.
Dear Board,

Maybe it is for making a long length of spun dubbing which would then be wound on one of those cardboard cards shaped like a capital letter I. I'm sure you all have some of them laying around.

I just dub a loop and spin thread with my hackle pliers as I go along. It would be nice sometimes to have several feet of pre-spun dubbing rope.

Great haul BTW!


Tim Murphy :)
tim .. is that a Renzetti Traveler rotary vise in the middle of your picture??

i hope it is!

tim .. is that a Renzetti Traveler rotary vise in the middle of your picture??

i hope it is!


They are Paul's pictures but I'm pretty its a Renzetti Traveler.


Tim Murphy :)
sorry Tim ... i thought you were the OP.

that could be a BIG score for Paul!
Paul l, if you want to sell what looks like a renzetti traveler let me know!
I think that is a dubbing loop spinning tool.
My son was watching a video yesterday. It had a guy using a similar device to twist hair from a bunny strip onto doubled winding thread - which went onto a big ugly streamer I would never likely use.
i do see the Renzetti stamp. good for you! looks like a very early model / design.
i'll bet there is some modern / current cleaner or solution that will clean all that corrosion up very nicely. also imagine that the rotary mechanism needs some lube.
The vise stem on the left and the vise jaws on the far right look to go together as a Griffin Superior 3A vise. If so you scored two nice vises.

The brass knob is definitely a dubbing loop spinner.